Everyone is hustling to get a job nowadays. It is very difficult to grab a job in today’s time but clearly not impossible. The first step that one has to take to get a job is to submit a CV. A CV is THE most important first impression that the recruiter or hirer gets of you. Therefore, designing the right CV is very important. Now, on the internet, there are a variety of CV templates and it can be really difficult and confusing for a working professional to choose from that vast variety. So, here we, at careerguide.com, are going to list a few best templates of CV for working professionals. The following is the list.
Hloom’s Traditional Elegance

If you are a working professional of a sophisticated and conservative vibe, this template is perfect for you. This template is a basic and classic CV template which is used by many working professionals. It shows that you are all serious and business and want to be straightforward. It shows your career growth in a clean and chronological way which the hirers appreciate. As Hloom says, it is excellent for working professionals who wants a job in banking, finance, law, engineering, healthcare, business etc. Get template here.
Microsoft Word’s Resume

Microsoft has a simple and beautiful resume template. The template will contain your career growth in a listed manner and it can be really helpful. It has small horizontal bars which adds a slight creative touch to your resume. The horizontal bars are to represent your skills in a bar graph form and at what percentage are at you in that skill. It can ease things up for the HR looking through your CV and it’s extremely helpful. It will definitely catch their eyes.
Glassdoor’s Global Graphics
One thing that I can say with full confidence is that when a working professional will see this template, they will be in awe. This template is so beautiful and good looking that you can just stare at it for minutes and minutes without getting bored. As the name suggests, it shows graphics in the resume. The ultimate mixture of graphics with numbers and texts are mesmerising to watch and view. We know that sometimes numbers can speak a lot more than words. This is the perfect example of it. A sure thing is that it will grab the attention of the reader. A working professional who wants a job in statistical environment and the work is related to numbers, he/she needs to highlight the numbers on their CV and this template is perfect for it.
Developer Template
If you are a working professional who works in developing different projects, this template is for you. If you are a developer of apps, websites or if you are a coder, this CV would be perfect for you. It has a black background with extremely good colour schemed texts and graphics. Having this CV would make you stand out. It is creative and shows your passion for development and changes. You will show through this CV that you are not boring and can be extremely creative without even writing it in your CV. Trust me, if you are looking for a job in creative field, go for this template.
Hloom’s Creative Template

Ok, so consider this before using this template. Using this template is pretty risky. If you think coloured template with many visual graphics are bad and would not look good in your field, then skip this template. Now, this template is an exclusive template by Hloom. This template has coloured strips and boxes around the text. It may look cringe to some people but it can really show your bold side and tell that you can be creative. This beautiful template is definitely an attention-seeker and grabs the attention of the recruiter. It can highlight your originality as it had pink borders, titles and banners with pink outlines. Get it here
Glassdoor’s Face Forward
This is a brilliant template if you consider this once. It has a multiple speciality in it. First of all, it is a great example of how of how a photograph can be brilliantly setup with the rest of the page. It has a wide pic of you in the left corner. With that, your name in caps is written in the top middle of the page. These two factors give major advantage to you. Seeing a big pic of someone with a adequate with name is not easily forgetful and can help you to be remembered by hirer. Just remember to use good paper while printing your resume or the photo will look hideous.
So, above was the list of the best templates a working professional can use for his/her CV and improve it. Hope that it was of some help. Best of Luck!!!
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