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11 Causes of mental health problems in teenagers

According to the data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), one in six people is in the age group of 10 to 19 years.
Some Key Facts provided by WHO
– Mental health conditions account for 16% of the global burden of disease and injury in people aged 10–19 years.
– Half of all mental health conditions start by 14 years of age, but most cases are undetected and untreated.
-Suicide is the third leading cause of death in 15-19-year-olds.
By the facts stated by the WHO, it is clear that teenagers face many mental health problems, and when they don’t receive the proper treatment, it leads to various adverse effects in the future. Here in this article, we will discuss the causes of mental health problems in teenagers-

Financial condition

This is one of the leading causes of mental health problems as poor financial conditions burden teenagers. They need to cut short there needs, and they have to manage with a small number of facilities. As a result, some have to work for earning to support their family. Many students leave their education in between so that they can work and earn money for the family. With the stress of poverty and debts, teenagers acquire mental health problems. Also, many teenagers feel inferior as they don’t have things like others.

Physical health

Long term problems with physical health can damage mental health. Teenagers with social life and comparison within themselves, the physical health issues have a huge impact. The constant stress of illness affects their concentration and efficiency in day to day work. It causes mental health problems like mild depression and anxiety issues.


Students who don’t have homes or are very poor have mental issues related to their finances and the livelihood situation. They are under constant stress, and many times they are not able to cope with the situation. Some don’t get the required care which is required and because of this they many times catch physical diseases which make their condition worse.


Cause of mental health problems in teenagers due to addiction

In teenagers, they are very prone to get addicted to unhealthy material. As a result, there is degradation in their health, both mental and physical, also affect studies and personal relations. Many teenagers don’t have a sound financial condition and end up getting caught in stealing or in other wrong practices. These addictions are also very dangerous for the nervous system. As they affect and control the system. Addiction of social media is the most alarming cause of mental health in teenagers.

Prolonged stress

Some students are under stress, and many times when not taken care of, the stress continues for a very long time. It can cause severe mental health problems in teenagers. Constant stress like insecurity, inferiority complexes, or any other should be avoided or try to address the issue as every as possible. Such stresses can also occur due to unhealthy or failed relationship.

Discrimination and social stigma

When students face any discrimination in school, coaching, playgrounds, or even at their homes, it affects them very harshly. Teenagers are sensitive, as this is their growing age, and small things can harm them and can make them unstable. They feel injustice and get angry when they face discrimination. Social stigma is a probable cause for every teenager. There are some norms that everyone expects them to follow. And, as a result, some teenagers get under stress. Also, many fear getting judged by others.

Neurological condition

Some people are born with uncommon neurological conditions that have an impact on their behavior and mood. Some also acquire these problems after injury or accident. Medication is essential in these conditions. As medicines, help the patient have stability and function regularly.

Causes of mental health problems in teenagers due to unhealthy home atmosphere

Unhealthy home atmosphere

This is one of the most concerning causes of mental health problems, especially in teenagers. Inappropriate behavior, overpowering parents, and other such negative behavior by parents cause issues to mental health. Many times they take the blame on themselves, that they are the reason for all the misshapes. Unhealthy home atmosphere leads to permanent damage in the teenagers, which reflect in long term.


Teenage is a very tender age, and when at this age, they face isolation or loneliness, the impact is harsh on their mind. Due to various reasons, teenagers can feel lonely, like when both parents are working, and there is no at home, many don’t have friends, and due to this, they feel alone, and other similar reasons cause loneliness. It causes depression in students, and many times they hurt themselves.


Many times, teenagers face a loss of someone close to them, and many times, it results in emotional trauma and sadness in them. Grandparents, pets, relatives, or friends are some of the losses that disturb teenagers. When they are close to someone, and they lose them, many sensitive teenagers cannot handle the pain. As a result, it affects the nervous system of them.

Causes of mental health problems in teenagers due to abuse.


One of the most shameful acts by grown-ups is child abuse. Teenagers face various assaults like child labor, molestation, forced to work as beggars, and similar unlawful acts. There are various laws against such cases to protect kids from the abuse. But, after these laws too, some people still exploit teenagers to earn money. Due to these events, some lose mental stability, making them mentally unstable. At times the damage is permanent too.

These were some of the causes of mental health problems in teenagers. Teenagers being the future of any country, should be nurtured well and with care. One should always try to help when they come across such cases. And those in trouble should not hesitate to contact for HELP.



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