Everyone knows that CAT is a very important exam. A working professional’s career is dependent on this major exam. CAT is given by graduate working professionals for MBA. It is very hard to crack this exam but not impossible. There are many useful tricks and tips that might come in handy while preparing for the exam, therefore, we here, at careerguide.com, are going to list a few tips to plan for CAT for working professionals. The following is the list.
Decision on Coaching or No coaching

The first thing that you have to do before you start preparing for CAT is that you have to decide whether you need coaching classes or not. If you believe in yourself and think that you have enough management skills and have studying ethics, then you should go for no coaching option and should self-study. Self-study is the best way to study but sometimes coaching can help you to achieve your dreams with a little less effort. It’s totally up to you and your decision that whether you want coaching or not.
Getting Right Books and Material
A famous line from my personal favourite web series, Kota Factory, is: “Study THE exam before studying FOR the exam.” I love this quote and wanted to share this quote as it is very well applicable here. A working professional first needs to study the exam i.e. gain knowledge about the pattern, marking schemes, proper syllabus and important topics. After you study the exam, you will need the right books and materials to study for the exam. Your books should be of latest edition and should be well revised and advised. If you are studying in coaching, then you will have the right material but if you are not studying in coaching, then you must ask your friend or look up on the internet for the perfect material. It is crucial.
Make Schedule

Now, it is a very common and obvious thing but it should be addressed. You MUST make a schedule. Scheduling benefits a working professional in many ways and it is a proven fact. You can finish many topics and important work easily if you make a schedule. Make small goals and try to achieve them. If you achieve them, appreciate them and celebrate a little. It will boost your morale. Therefore, you should make a schedule. It will ease your things up.
Take Mocks
Now, this tip is very important which most of the working professionals ignore while studying and preparing for CAT. You should always take mock test to see where you stand. This will help you in knowing your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing your weakness, while you still have time to overcome them, is a great deal and not many people know their own weakness. You can improve them and then it will help you score much better. Taking Mocks should be your habit and you should also lookup some previous year questions and try to solve them under time. It will help you know that what type of questions are asked in the exam. Also observe previous year toppers and learn about their habits and schedules and try to implement them. It may work for you too.
Practise Regularly
Now practising regularly should be your habit if you are interested in clearing CAT. It is not an easy exam to crack and therefore, a lot of hard work is required and that too daily. You should practise the important topics daily and must revise them regularly. Solve multiple and different types of problems daily so that you won’t get bored. Maintain a pace and increase your radius of studying inch by inch. It would definitely lead you up to more success. As the saying goes: Practise makes a man perfect. It is very important to practise regularly and consistency is important too. You have to be consistent in your work.
Stay Motivated

One thing that most of the working professional does it that they give up quite easily. They lose motivation. Without motivation, nothing can be achieved. Therefore, the number one thing that a CAT preparing working professional should do is to stay motivated. Their thoughts should be positive and have a positive attitude and no bad thoughts should enter their mind while preparing for the exam. One thing that working professionals should do is that they can visualise. They can visualise how much better their future would be if they stay motivated and just push through. It would give them a strong sense of motivation and it is really effective. Do not lose hope.
So, above was the list of tips for CAT preparing working professionals. They are very useful and you must apply them. Hope that it was of some help. Best of Luck!!!
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