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5 Ways To Manage a Team For Working Professional Working From Home

Everyone in this world is suffering from this pandemic. It has caused all of us to stay at home. As most of the working professionals are now stuck at home, they are asked to do work from home jobs, which sounds great right? It is good news for the working professionals who are given this opportunity but not for their team heads who have to overview their work and manage them. There is a lot of difficulty to manage working professionals working from home. Therefore, we here, at careerguide.com, are going to list a few ways in which you can manage a team working from home. It is very beneficial to learn these tips and ways. The following is the list.

Daily check-ins

Tips To Create A Culture Of Frequent Employee Check-ins

The most basic way to manage your team working from home is to check on them daily. Message or video call them as a group daily. Ask them about their progress on the work provided to them. Check whether they are happy doing the work and if they are facing any problems regarding the work or the time devoted by them. You should also open yourself up to communicate on any platform. The working professionals should feel free to talk to you on any social media handles. They should be given that flexibility so that they can easily communicate with you and share with you. This will help you manage the team.

Keep your expectations Realistic

It is an important thing to remember if you want to manage your team. You should always keep your expectations realistic. You cannot demand a work that is possible to be done in a week be done in 2 days. It would provide working professionals with unnecessary pressure and demotivation which will decrease their productivity to a great extend. You should always give them work that is possible and you should be flexible in that too. Giving too much work might result in giving unnecessary problems to the professional which is not good even morally. Remember that!

Connect with them

How to Connect with Your Remote Team and Build Culture

Ok, so if you want to manage your team, you have to see them as a team as well as single peoples too. You should connect with every professional personally and individually. You can arrange one on ones with them and talk about different stuff regarding work and social life. A thing to remember here is that never cancel a one on one, maybe reschedule it but never cancel them. You should emotionally support the team and help them overcome their problems and provide them with easy solutions.

Be there for the team.  A great way to connect with the team is to speak their language. Learn so lingos and modern say slangs and casually use them in conversations with them. Use gifs and graphical images to express emotions. A new thing you can learn to connect with them is that you can send memes to them. It can uplift the spirit of the team and keep them going. Connecting with the team would help you to manage them better and with them paying you more attention.

 Be appreciative

Image result for appreciate employees

To manage a team, you have to be in good books of your team of working professionals. One way to be in their food books is to appreciate them. Say Good Work to them when they accomplish something and celebrate a little with them. This will encourage them to do even more good work and their productivity would be at the peak. Show them that you care about their hard work and the things they are going through every day to accomplish this work. Let them know that you are here to appreciate them and acknowledge them. It feels really great to be acknowledged and those working from home working professionals really need to be felt great to work efficiently.


Motivation: The four ways to a happy life.

Last but not the least way to manage a work from home team is to motivate them from time to time. You can motivate them by doing multiple things. You can give great motivational speeches during video calls and can call out the hard work of the working professionals. Also, You can show them that it is very great of them working and you can be inspirational to them. You can also just send them motivation quotes or songs or articles or even suggest some movies to watch. You can tell them about the great inspirational people around the world which would really motivate them. Everyone needs motivation to work and in these tough times, professionals working from home should be motivated to work as a team rather than an individual.

So above was the list of the ways by which you can manage a team working from home. Hope that it was of some help. Best of Luck!!!

Also read,

7 tips for training new working professional

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