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CAT 2021 Result: Examination Noticed, Control Front Examination

The Common Admission Test (CAT) 2021 outcomes had been introduced on January three, 2022. CAT is a prestigious front exam carried out yearly for admission into the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and different pinnacle enterprise faculties in India. The 2021 examination noticed over 2.three lakh applicants vying for constrained seats, with the take a look at assessing their quantitative cappotential, verbal cappotential, analyzing comprehension, and statistics interpretation skills. This year, the examination changed into carried out in 3 shifts on November 28, 2021, throughout 159 cities, preserving strict COVID-19 protocols. The outcomes had been launched online, permitting applicants to get admission to their ratings and percentiles via the legitimate CAT website. These ratings are important as they decide eligibility for the following level of the choice process, which includes organization discussions, private interviews, and written cappotential tests, paving the manner for a profession in management.

Overview of CAT 2021

The Common Admission Test (CAT) of 2021 marked any other big milestone withinside the realm of control front examinations in India. Conducted via way of means of the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) on behalf of the Indian Institutes of Management Admission Committee (IIMAC), CAT is a computer-primarily based totally check that serves as a gateway for admission to prestigious control applications supplied via way of means of IIMs and different top-tier commercial enterprise colleges throughout India. CAT 2021 became carried out on November 28, 2021, throughout more than one periods in 159 cities. Despite the demanding situations posed via way of means of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, the organizing committee ensured a clean and stable trying out enjoy via way of means of imposing strict protection protocols in any respect examination centers.

The check

comprised 3 sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA). Each segment had a time limit, and applicants needed to navigate thru a mixture of more than onedesire and non-more than onedesire questions, trying out their analytical, logical, and quantitative skills. One of the important thing highlights of CAT 2021 became its accelerated participation, with over 2.three lakh applicants registering for the examination. This surge in registrations displays the developing hobby amongst aspirants in pursuing control training and the popularity of CAT as a surest exam for access into esteemed commercial enterprise colleges. CAT 2021 persisted its way of life of placing difficult but truthful query papers, making sure that simplest the maximum deserving applicants stable admission to the coveted control applications.


rigorous assessment process, such as normalization techniques, aimed to offer a stage gambling area for all applicants, irrespective of their trying out slot. Post-examination, the anticipation for CAT 2021 outcomes soared as applicants eagerly awaited their ratings and percentiles, which play a critical position in figuring out shortlisting for similarly rounds of selection, such as organization discussions, non-public interviews, and written cappotential tests.

Importance of CAT 2021 result

Aspect Description
Gateway to Top B-Schools CAT results determine admission to prestigious institutions like IIMs, FMS, MDI, and other premier B-Schools.
Career Opportunities Securing a high CAT percentile opens doors to lucrative job offers and diverse career paths in management.
Industry Recognition CAT scores are widely recognized by leading companies, enhancing job prospects and career advancement.
Networking Opportunities Admission to reputed B-Schools facilitates networking with industry leaders, alumni, and fellow professionals.
Skill Validation CAT assesses analytical, logical, and quantitative abilities, validating key skills essential for managerial roles.
Personal Development Rigorous CAT preparation fosters discipline, time management, and critical thinking skills, aiding holistic development.
Global Exposure Many CAT-participating institutes offer international exchange programs, providing exposure to global business practices.
Leadership Opportunities B-Schools nurture leadership qualities through experiential learning, shaping future business leaders.
Entrepreneurship Support CAT alumni networks and incubation centers in B-Schools offer support and resources for aspiring entrepreneurs.
Continuous Learning B-Schools emphasize lifelong learning, offering executive education programs and certifications post-MBA.

Exam Date and Timings CAT 2021 result

Date Exam Time (IST) Duration Sessions
November 28, 2021 Slot 1: 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM Slot 2: 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM Slot 3: 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM 2 hours Three sessions were conducted on the same day.

On November 28, 2021, the Common Admission Test (CAT) became held in periods, following a rigorous schedule. The morning consultation began at 9:00 AM and concluded at 12:00 PM, lasting a complete of 3 hours. Following a break, the afternoon consultation commenced at 2:30 PM and ended at 5:30 PM, additionally lasting 3 hours. These periods have been strategically prepared to house the massive variety of applicants acting for the examination throughout numerous take a look at facilities in India. The CAT examination timings have been meticulously deliberate to make certain equity and consistency in trying out situations for all aspirants, permitting them enough time to finish the sections and show their flair in quantitative, verbal, and logical reasoning skills.

CAT 2021 happened on November 28, 2021, proposing a streamlined time table with awesome periods. The morning consultation started out at 9:00 AM and concluded at 12:00 PM, encompassing 3 hours of rigorous examination. Following a quick intermission, the afternoon consultation started out at 2:30 PM, extending till 5:30 PM, keeping the equal duration. This meticulous scheduling ensured a balanced trying out surroundings and allowed applicants to show off their abilties with out time constraints. The CAT organizing committee meticulously deliberate the examination timings to facilitate a clean and green trying out procedure throughout a couple of take a look at facilities nationwide. These established periods have been instrumental in offering same possibilities for all aspirants to showcase their analytical, logical, and quantitative prowess for the duration of the examination.

Structure and Sections of the Exam CAT 2021 result

Section Description
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) Assessed language proficiency, reading comprehension, and critical reasoning skills.
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) Evaluated data analysis, interpretation, and logical reasoning abilities.
Quantitative Ability (QA) Tested mathematical and quantitative problem-solving skills.

Important Points:

The shape of the CAT 2021 examination become essential because it consisted of 3 essential sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA). Each segment performed a pivotal function in comparing awesome talent units important for control schooling and expert success. VARC assessed language talent and crucial thinking, DILR evaluated information evaluation and logical reasoning, even as QA examined mathematical problem-fixing abilities. This established method ensured a complete evaluation of candidates` aptitude, supplying a truthful platform to illustrate their skills and suitability for admission to prestigious control programs.


2021 exam`s shape become paramount, comprising 3 center sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA). These sections systematically evaluated candidates‘ language proficiency, vital reasoning skills, records interpretation capabilities, logical reasoning abilities, and quantitative problem-fixing prowess. Such a based layout ensured a holistic assessment, figuring out candidates’ strengths throughout various ability domain names crucial for fulfillment in control training and destiny expert endeavors. This complete assessment performed a important function in figuring out candidates’ eligibility and suitability for admission to famend control institutions, shaping their instructional and profession trajectories.


shape became vital, offering 3 middle sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA). VARC examined language abilties and crucial thinking, DILR assessed records evaluation and logical reasoning, even as QA evaluated mathematical problem-solving. This dependent layout ensured a complete assessment of applicants` aptitude, permitting a honest evaluation in their readiness for control education. The balanced consciousness on those key regions organized applicants for the multifaceted demanding situations of the enterprise world, emphasizing the significance of well-rounded abilties in decision-making, problem-solving, and communication.

Number of Registrations CAT 2021 result

YearNumber of Registrations
2021Over 2.3 lakh candidates
 2020Approximately 2.27 lakh candidates
 2019About 2.44 lakh candidates
 2018Around 2.41 lakh candidates
 2017Over 2.31 lakh candidates
2016Approximately 2.32 lakh candidates
 2015About 2.18 lakh candidates
 2014Around 1.96 lakh candidates
 2013Over 1.95 lakh candidates
 2012Approximately 2.14 lakh candidates
 2011About 2.05 lakh candidates


The CAT 2021 examination witnessed a exquisite quantity of registrations, with over 2.three lakh applicants vying for admission to prestigious control programs. This surge in participation displays the developing hobby and popularity of CAT as a finest front examination. The aggressive nature of CAT encourages aspirants to show off their analytical, logical, and quantitative abilities, making ready them for the demanding situations of the commercial enterprise world. As CAT effects play a critical position withinside the choice procedure for esteemed B-Schools, applicants diligently put together to stable excessive percentiles, paving their direction in the direction of a a success profession in control.

Demographics of Candidates CAT 2021 result

Demographic Category Percentage of Candidates
Male 60%
Female 40%
General Category 50%
OBC Category 25%
SC Category 15%
ST Category 5%
PwD 5%
Engineers 70%
Non-Engineers 30%
Freshers 40%
Working Professionals 60%


In conclusion, CAT 2021 stood as a testomony to the determination and aspirations of over 2.three lakh applicants aiming for excellence in control education. The exam`s rigorous structure, comprising VARC, DILR, and QA sections, meticulously evaluated applicantsflair and readiness for the dynamic enterprise landscape. The good sized boom in registrations displays the developing popularity of CAT as a most fulfilling front exam. As applicants look ahead to their results, they embark on a transformative journey, geared up with talents honed thru rigorous preparation. CAT 2021’s effect extends past scores, shaping destiny leaders geared up to navigate demanding situations and make a contribution meaningfully to the world of control.

In retrospect

CAT 2021 marked a pivotal second for aspirants looking for to carve a route withinside the realm of management. The exam`s dependent layout and difficult sections examined applicants‘ analytical, logical, and quantitative abilities, making sure a complete evaluation. The surge in registrations underscores the importance of CAT as a gateway to esteemed B-Schools. As applicants eagerly expect their results, they stand poised to embark on a transformative adventure of getting to know and growth. CAT 2021’s effect extends past admission, fostering a network of pushed people poised to make significant contributions to the ever-evolving panorama of enterprise and leadership.

CAT 2021

encapsulated the aspirations and dedication of thousands of management aspirants, reflecting a collective pursuit of excellence in the business world. The exam’s structure, comprising VARC, DILR, and QA sections, rigorously assessed candidates’ aptitude and potential for managerial roles. The notable increase in registrations signifies CAT’s enduring prominence as a premier entrance exam. As candidates await their results, they stand at the threshold of transformative opportunities, armed with skills honed through meticulous preparation. CAT 2021’s impact resonates not just in admission outcomes but in shaping a cohort of future leaders ready to innovate, inspire, and lead in diverse business domains.

FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)

Question: What is the overall length of the CAT 2021 examination?

Answer: The CAT 2021 examination had a complete length of two hours.

Question: How many periods have been performed for the CAT 2021 examination on November 28, 2021?

Answer: CAT 2021 changed into performed in 3 periods on November 28, 2021.

Question: What are the 3 fundamental sections of the CAT 2021 examination?

Answer: The 3 fundamental sections of CAT 2021 have been Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA).

Question: What changed into the approximate range of applicants who registered for CAT 2021?

Answer: Over 2.three lakh applicants registered for CAT 2021.

Question: What function does CAT 2021 end result play withinside the admission procedure for pinnacle B-Schools?

Answer: CAT 2021 end result performs a important function in shortlisting applicants for in addition rounds of choice including institution discussions, non-public interviews, and written capacity tests, figuring out their eligibility for admission into pinnacle B-Schools in India.

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