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GITAM Result 2023 : Exam, How to check result, Latest update

The GITAM Result 2023 is expected to be released in the month of August 2023. The results will be available online on the university’s website, gitam.edu. Students can check their results by entering their roll number and date of birth. The results will also be sent to the students’ registered email addresses. The GITAM Result 2023 will be based on the performance of the students in the semester exams. The exams were conducted in the month of May 2023. The results will be graded on a scale of 0 to 100.

GITAM Result 2023

GITAM Result 2023

GITAM, or the Gandhi Organized of Innovation and Administration, may be a private regarded college found in Visakhapatnam, Hyderabad, and Bengaluru, India. It was established in 1980 by a bunch of prominent knowledge and industrialists, driven by Dr. M. V. V. S. Murthi, previous Part of Parliament and prevalent donor. GITAM is licensed by the All India Chamber for Specialized Instruction (AICTE) and the National Appraisal and Accreditation Board (NAAC). It is positioned 67th among colleges in India by the National Regulation Positioning System (NIRF).

GITAM Result Update

here are the highlights of GITAM Result 2023 in table below:

Date of releaseAugust 2023 (expected)
Mode of releaseOnline
Login credentialsRoll number and date of birth
Other ways to check resultsEmail notification, SMS notification
Re-evaluationAvailable for a fee of Rs. 1000 per subject
RevaluationAvailable for a fee of Rs. 500 per subject


GITAM Result 2023 Statistics

Here are the GITAM Result 2023 statistics in table below:

CourseOverall Pass PercentageEngineering Pass PercentageNon-Engineering Pass Percentage

GITAM Result Grading System

 The GITAM Result Grading System is as follows:

Grade Marks
O 95 – 100
A+ 90 – 94
A 85 – 89
B+ 80 – 84
B 75 – 79
C+ 70 – 74
C 65 – 69
D 60 – 64
E 55 – 59
F 0 – 54

A understudy is considered to have passed a course in the event that they get a review of C or over. A understudy who gets a review of F in a course will ought to retake the course.

The evaluating framework is utilized for all undergraduate and postgraduate courses advertised by GITAM. The evaluating framework is additionally utilized for the university’s separate learning programs.

Details Mentioned in GITAM Result 2023

The following details are mentioned in the GITAM Result 2023:

  • Candidate’s Name
  • Candidate’s Roll Number
  • Candidate’s Unique ID
  • Name of the School
  • School Code
  • Subject-wise marks obtained by the candidate
  • Total Marks obtained
  • Percentage of Marks obtained
  • Qualifying Status (Pass/Fail)
  • Division
  • Rank (if applicable)
  • Instructions related to rechecking or supplementary exams (if applicable)

How to Check GITAM Result 2023?

1. Online Method

You can also check your GITAM Result 2023 online. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the GITAM website, gitam.edu.
  2. Click on the Results tab.
  3. Select the exam for which you want to check the results.
  4. Click on the Online Results link.
  5. Enter your roll number and date of birth.
  6. Click on the Submit button.
  7. Your results will be displayed on the screen.

2. SMS Method

You can also check your results by sending an SMS to the following number:

  • 9246007373
The format of the SMS is:
  • GITAM<space>Your Roll Number
For example, if your roll number is 123456, you would send the following SMS:
  • GITAM 123456

You will receive a reply SMS with your results.

GITAM Revaluation Result 2023

The GITAM Revaluation Result 2023 is not yet released. The last date to apply for revaluation was July 30, 2023. The revaluation results are usually released within 4 weeks of the last date of application.

You can check the GITAM website, gitam.edu, for updates on the release of the revaluation results. You can also contact the university’s examination cell for more information.

The following are the steps on how to apply for revaluation of your GITAM exam:

  1. Go to the GITAM website, gitam.edu.
  2. Click on the Examinations tab.
  3. Click on the Revaluation link.
  4. Fill out the revaluation application form.
  5. Attach a copy of your admit card and the answer script.
  6. Pay the revaluation fee.
  7. Submit the application form to the examination cell.

The revaluation fee is Rs. 500 per subject.

GITAM Compartment Exams 2023

Here is some more information about the GITAM Compartment Exams 2023:

  • The exams are for students who have failed in one or more subjects in the regular semester exams.
  • The exams will be held in offline mode.
  • The admit cards for the exams will be released on the GITAM website, gitam.edu, a few days before the exams.
  • The students must bring their admit cards and original ID proof to the exam centers.
  • The pass percentage for the compartment exams is 50%.
  • The students who fail in the compartment exams will have to repeat the entire semester.

The following are the steps on how to apply for the GITAM Compartment Exams 2023:

  1. Go to the GITAM website, gitam.edu.
  2. Click on the Examinations tab.
  3. Click on the Compartment Exams link.
  4. Fill out the compartment application form.
  5. Attach a copy of your admit card and the mark sheet of the failed subjects.
  6. Pay the compartment exam fee.
  7. Submit the application form to the examination cell.

The compartment exam fee is Rs. 2000 per subject.

GITAM Result Overall Performance

The generally pass rate for the GITAM Result 2023 is anticipated to be around 70%. This is often somewhat lower than the pass rate of 75% within the past year. The pass rate for building courses is anticipated to be higher than the pass rate for other courses. The pass rate for the beat 100 rankers is anticipated to be exceptionally tall, whereas the pass rate for the foot 100 rankers is anticipated to be lower.

The taking after are a few of the factors that will have contributed to the lower pass rate within the GITAM Result 2023:

  • The trouble level of the exams may have been higher than within the past year.
  • The understudies may have been less arranged for the exams due to the COVID-19 widespread.
  • The understudies may have been distracted by other components, such as the continuous war in Ukraine.
    In spite of the lower pass rate, the in general execution of the understudies within the GITAM Result 2023 is still commendable. The understudies who have passed the exams have appeared that they have the capacity to succeed in their chosen areas of ponder.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Candidates can visit the official site of GITAM, gitam.edu. On the homepage, select the “Evaluation” from the menu and press on “Results”. The Comes about page will show up. Select the Year and Tap on the result connect. Enter Enrolment No. Select the Semester, Handle, Month, and Year. Tap the yield button. The result will show up on the screen.

In the event that the understudies are incapable to clear all the papers, at that point they ought to return for the paper within the following succeeding semester-end examination.

For any disparity in GIMAT Result 2023, understudies got to contact the Head of Division of the with respect to course. Candidates can too mail to [email protected].

Open the college’s site. Beneath the Examination Cell area, select the examination timetable interface. On the “Timetable” page, select the timetable of your individual course. Download and spare it for future utilize.

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