Teaching which E-learning largely has served to promote access to the Internet. Despite the fact that E-learning (distance learning) is recognized as one of the hey innovative training methods, it is really its origin date back to the top result of the conducted survey which was the judgment of describing methods of teaching.

E-learning has become the modern technique of teaching in the modern era. E-learning has been implemented into the world of educations at large because of the promotion of access to the Internet hey despite the fact that e-learning is considered to be the most innovative method of teaching its origins to date back to the terms of 19th and 20th century.
This enables the student to develop their skills in the field of use of the computer system and Health Network on their personality skills so that they can feel more comfortable while looking for a job in the future.
Distance Learning
If we try to see that what is e-learning? We can say that it is a form of distance learning that is provided facility by the educational Institute via the Internet. Distance learning has one sympathy for the student who for various reasons do not have the opportunity to participate in the traditional form of classes. During free online classes, it is possible to make video conferencing post entries transmit voice and images in the form of files that students can later print. The direction of course and distance determined by the University authorities and the lecture only students of a particular school may take part in this kind of class individual person able to log in on the educational platform this platform is open 365 days. Can we learn to have the facility re-watch the lecture videos as many times as they want?
For some, it might be a not appropriate form of learning but the students who have transport problem for some reason they are unable to attend the physical classes the distance learning have been proved an effective and the best method.

Strength and Weakness of E-Learning
The positive and negative size of distance learning are different according to the position situation of the joining person because every person has a different perspective and different thing to say about all the things, so here we are going to discuss both positive and negative aspects of this. There are various criteria that we are going to judge.
Possibility of better monitoring of the progress made by their students feels stress relieved as they can approach the classes according to the time they are free in will get enough time for self-studies as the transportation times will be free. It has been pointed out the main advantages of learning is that students can avail the use of multimedia no need to visit in the school every day the prospect of a joint communication with other course takers elimination of anxiety created by the prospect of public oral expression convenient deadline for completion of task place on the learning platform on learning space reduction of executive direct contact with the lecturer. Both the course takers and teachers agree that one basic disadvantage of distance learning is a lack of face-to-face interaction and the drawback is that the time given for the completion of tasks online too long significantly amount of time spent on completing them in traditional teaching.
Research And Analysis
The study was conducted with the use of a survey which was sent to a group of 150 students who had already dealt with e-learning for the first time in the service check whether student tells with the total loss of data while using the learning platform the result is surprising because according to the interpretation of 202 people all data which could not be recovered and all work of student was in vain. The remaining group of despondent did not encounter a problem or data loss, suggestion would be to put more work can I forward in improving. The E-learning platform, so in the future student should avoid problems with data loss another task of despondent was to tell which without learning and teaching their recognition to be better e-learning or traditional methods. 99 people identify the traditional teaching method as the better and 46 people would prefer to have class in the form of – learning and 5 respondent were not able to point out which method is better.

learning is not an easy form of educations there for it is introduced gradually unfortunately in this for vegetarian students do not show up too much commitment to not complete the homework assignments and also reluctantly take part in various discussions on the online platform. This situation usually changes before the exam through the use of distance learning schools of education increase our chances to participate in not only domestic but also in international business products many of which finance by the European Union.