Creativity is the guiding factor in every aspect of life. Doesn’t matter if you are 10 years old or 80, creativity is the pursuit of looking at things differently and standing apart in a crowded room. In the work environment, does not matter if you are an employee or a self-employed business owner, it doesn’t matter if you are rich and have a variant of resources, without the touch of creativity nothing is everlasting in today’s world. Let’s take a very quick look at the usage of YouTube these days. Literally everyone with a smartphone has someone or the other to look up to in this platform. People want to learn from a personality because it is their uniqueness that attracts the viewers. Creativity is not just limited to an artistic skill or a graceful dance form. It breaks the barrier of being different for good. Creativity lies in what we think, what we do, and the way we want to do or say something.

Creativity in classroom.
A classroom is the first place where a child learns how to perceive things. A good environment in the classrooms needs to have a place for discussions, debates, and impromptu interactions. When students get to interact with each other and the professionals, that is when they understand and acquire
knowledge. It is important for institutions that they balance out the curriculum with creativity in ways that do not harm or have an impact on the students. With shared knowledge and experience, students build relationships among themselves and also tend to become good communicators as individuals. It lessens the impact of other factors such as stage fright, anxiety, and inability to understand a certain topic. Research shows interactive classroom sessions help the students to remember things for a greater duration of their lives. They learn new ideas and realize how to put them to use with time. It is important that students put their knowledge into real-world implications. Education cannot sorely be dependent on bookish knowledge. Creativity in classrooms help to open up young minds, both perceive and act upon different strata of topics.

The power of creativity.
There are various ways in which creativity unleashes the inner ideas of students. In not makes the class hours fun but also interesting. It creates an opportunity for students to look at things differently and learn how to question things. When textual knowledge makes space for individual-based concepts, it reduces the pressure on students. Leaving things does not only means a way to get marks to get over with the semester. It should be an upgrading process for the students so that they can use this knowledge later
on as a principle in their real lives. When teachers encourage this kind of behavior among students at an early age, it gets easier for the students to be adaptive to such conditioning. Creative classroom activities enhance leadership skills and group skills among students.
Creativity also helps students use their freedom of speech more often and abruptly. When the students learn to question, they also learn to look for the answer. Being able to talk of something they didn’t already know makes them authoritative of their choices. When learning new things is made fun of them, either through debate sessions or field trips, they would always like to come back for more.

Creativity also enhances the emotional aspect of the students. Although, this happens in the early days of growth, for the teens also sometimes it helps develop a different outlook. To have the freedom to explore something outside the textual realm boosts confidence among the students. It boosts their knowledge about things they didn’t know of earlier and the inflow and outflow of information keep them involved. This way they are less distracted while they are studying as they are actually enjoying the process rather than just mainstream reading and learning.
As students learn to think differently, the learn how to take up real-life examples to remember their textual data. This way they not only tend to forget things less but also do better in their examinations. Creativity creates a very positive impact on their minds in ways that they actually benefit for a very long period of time.

Creativity is cultivation.
Every child has some sort of talent or the other. But to look within oneself requires the integration of creativity and not just mainstream education pattern. The students should never worry about doing it wrong. It comes at different times in different ways to everyone. Creativity in classrooms is a baseline of meaningful motivation that helps students to grow and nurture
their skills and ideas for the benefit of oneself and others. Thus, to conclude, as said by Sir Ken Robinson, “ Creativity is now as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it in the same manner.”