No matter how progressive the world is, with all the latest advancements and trends it becomes hard for humans to ignore it all. They want to be a part of everything and not really miss out on anything good. It is human nature to be inquisitive about new things. But also, it is important to realize no matter how many new things come up, a day has only 24 hours. With all the personal and external load on an individual, today a person barely gets time for himself. It is important that people realize the value of time, use it efficiently, and how to stop wasting a time. Otherwise, they are more likely to get caught up with extra workload which can even affect their health in the worst cases.
Today we are part of a fast pacing mechanized world. It can almost be said that people have become so competitive among themselves that it’s hard to decide what’s humane and what’s not. As much as it is important to value time and stop wasting a time it is also important to learn to pause. We are not machines. We need to take breaks to function properly the next day. Yes obviously, we need to take care of the fact that we don’t lose track of time. It is important to maintain a healthy curriculum so that as individuals we can grow and develop and all have time for ourselves.

The student life curriculum
The student life is one of the most thrilling experiences of human growth. Everyone wants to cherish and make memories out of it. It is that golden time of a decade where every individual comes across new things meets new people and has their own mental and physical growth. It is a beautiful experience and everyone should definitely utilize it for their best.
However, many tend to stumble on their way in the same bumpy student journey. As nice as it is to go through this learning phase, some may not realize when to draw a line. At the end of the day, it affects their academics and also individual growth.
Thus, it becomes extremely important to use this time and try to stop wasting it in a balanced way to have a better experience in terms of academics and extracurricular activities. Nothing is better than a perfectly balanced student life in the resume. However, most of the time students fail to have this realization in themselves. In turn, they end up delaying their day to day tasks and rescheduling their responsibilities.

Time management is the basic essence of every element you take a part of. It can actually help you better your skills even if you are not really good at something. Like for example, sometimes when you feel like taking a short break of maybe five minutes from your studies, it may end up being an hour break. And this maybe looks like not a big thing but has a greater impact in the long run. This is a common trend among most of the students these days.
The realization from within
It is all about if you are going to have a realization from within about the basic approaches you have towards your responsibilities. First off, it is always seen the students are not so punctual when it comes to maintaining their schedule. Also since college life gives a certain freedom to the students, they also tend to believe it is okay to not attend classes. Start off by being regular at what you do. Maybe making use of alarm clocks and schedules is a good start. This can actually help you concentrate better on your academics and other extracurriculars. Also, another important aspect is to reduce screen time. This is probably one of the hardest things to do, considering how tech-savvy this generation is. But this can bring life-altering changes if done the right way. Many are so addicted to their phones that do not even turn their devices at night. Higher screen time also affects the brain functioning of many individuals. Keep a track of the amount of time you are wasting on your devices and start reducing it with time. As an alternative, it becomes extremely important to spend time with nature and breathe in fresh air to have a healthier approach towards life. Another aspect is that once in college, many tend to waste their time in between and after classes. At the end of the day, it actually creates an impact on your schedule especially when additional things get lined up for the next day. This may even alter your sleep schedule which just makes things worse.
Also last but not least is the fact when it comes to unnecessary worrying. College is probably that time of the year when you have a lot on your plate. This apparently affects your approach towards things that have an altercation with how you see the rest of the day. This sought of worrying actually delays your work farther than you realize and end up messing your schedules.

Whatever you’re doing right now, if not for a realization from within nothing can help you. In short, you should be aware of the fact that you are wasting time or not and act upon it accordingly.
It is not rocket science to have a balanced approach towards life, especially as students. However, it is important to not get carried away by distractions and work better towards your goal.