Every now and then, you must have heard a joke about HR being useless. This is quite a famous joke among colleagues and social media platforms. But in reality, there are a lot of responsibilities on an HR professional which he/she has to perform. Many people are unaware of such responsibilities so we here, at careerguide.com, are going to list a few roles of HR working professional helps an organization. The following are the ways:
Having Legal Knowledge
A valuable skill that an HR professional use to help a firm is assisting the company in legal matters. They look after the legal matters regarding the employees and their cases as well. HR should have basic legal knowledge as it is very helpful. Engaging with a firm’s legal matter is very risky and it should be handled carefully. Therefore, they have a tough job in taking multiple decisions which would benefit the company and make them strong. They take part in work planning and their advice are valuable to the firm.

If one might say, the main role of HR working professional is to recruit new talent. They have the most important job in the firm to employ talented and new people which would be beneficial to the organization and can work accordingly and have to look at their resumes and figure out who to call for an interview. HR managers have to take multiple interviews of the new people and figure out who can be best for the company. They have to be a sceptic in nature and they have to be emotionally strong too while giving out bad news to the persons that are not selected. Without them, hiring new talent would be disordered and problematic.
Training new employees

Another important work that HR has to do is train the new recruits. The new employees are amateur and don’t know much about their new job. Making them comfortable and training them is a part of an HR job. It can be hard to interact with new faces every now and then and training them simultaneously. Making them familiar with their work is essential. It is important for new employees to understand their workspace and deal with their work properly and HR helps in that.
Pay and Bonuses

The salary and bonuses of a firm’s employees are depended on HR. HR handles all the bonuses of the employees at the end of a certain time period. Every employee looks forward to their bonus and all that is in the hands of the HR, so the employees have to nice to him/her. HR judges the overall performance of the employee and gives them bonuses accordingly. A lot of planning and research and analysis is required to generate the bonuses of the employees. The salary of the employee is also fixed by HR.
Employee Benefits
All the benefits that an employee receives is in the hands of HR. HR has to research through different schemes and policies to provide the employees with affordable insurances. All employee benefits such as Health Insurance, travel insurance, leaves and other multiple benefits are created by HR. HR has a tough job to create and plan all the benefits of the employees. A little mistake can lead to multiple loss for the company. The risks are very high in HR job and HR server really well in firms. Being a HR is very hard.
Employee Relations

HR professionals have to maintain the relations between employees. They have to look and take multiple problems and they have to solve them. An employee can reach out to HR and complain about certain another employee and HR has to solve them and minimize the dispute. Employees can also complain about certain problems with the company. They are like a bridge between the higher company officials and their employees. It would not be wrong to say that without a HR, a firm can stop functioning due to all the disputes and problems of the employees with company.
Decrease bullying
An important thing which every HR has to look seriously is that they have to decrease bullying among the employees to the minimum. They have to look for multiple types of harassments. Many a times sexual harassments take place in the work space which HR has to find out and punish all those responsible for such behaviour. They also have to overview all the cyber bullying that takes place in the firm. Any amount of cyber bullying is reported to HR and they take strict actions against it. HR makes the work space a better space for everyone and they really are underappreciated for their work and effort.
So, above was the list in ways an HR professional help a firm or organization. Hope that it was of some help and spread awareness about the role of HR working professional. Best of luck!!!
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