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Bihar Board Admit Card : Details

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) issues Admit Cards to students appearing for various examinations conducted by the board. Serving as a vital document, the Bihar Board Admit Card acts as an entry pass for students into the examination hall. The issuance of Admit Cards is a procedural step aimed at ensuring the smooth conduct of examinations while maintaining the integrity and authenticity of the evaluation process. It contains essential information such as the student’s name, roll number, exam center details, date, and timing of the examination. The Admit Card is a testament to the board’s commitment to conducting fair and transparent examinations across the state of Bihar, thus holding significant importance for both the board and the students.

  • Introduction

Introduction to Bihar Board Admit Card:

Purpose and Significance: 

The Bihar Board Admit Card is a crucial document issued by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) to students appearing for various board examinations. It serves as an official identification and authentication tool, providing essential details regarding the student and the examination. The Admit Card is not only a mandatory requirement for entry into the examination hall but also holds significant importance in ensuring the integrity and security of the examination process. It contains vital information such as the student’s name, roll number, exam center, date, and timing of the examination, along with instructions and guidelines to be followed during the exam.

Issuance and Distribution: 

The Bihar Board Admit Card is typically issued by the Bihar School Examination Board through its official website or respective educational institutions affiliated with the board. Students are required to download and print their Admit Cards from the official website using their registration number, date of birth, or other credentials provided by the board. Alternatively, schools and colleges affiliated with the Bihar Board may also distribute physical copies of the Admit Cards to students. The Admit Card distribution process usually begins well in advance of the examination dates to ensure that students have ample time to obtain their Admit Cards and address any discrepancies or issues, if any.

Importance of Admit Card Compliance: 

Compliance with the Bihar Board Admit Card regulations is of utmost importance for students appearing in board examinations. Failure to produce the Admit Card at the examination center can result in students being denied entry to the exam, potentially jeopardizing their academic progress. Additionally, the Admit Card serves as a safeguard against malpractice and impersonation, as it contains unique identifiers specific to each student. Therefore, students must ensure the accuracy and validity of their Admit Cards and adhere to all instructions provided therein to facilitate a smooth and fair conduct of the examination process.

Admit Card

Overview of Bihar Board Admit Card

Bihar Board Admit Card: Your Ticket to the Exam Hall

The Bihar Board Admit Card serves as your official authorization to appear for the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) exams. It’s a crucial document that verifies your enrollment and provides essential details about your upcoming exams. Here’s a breakdown of its significance:

What’s Included:

  • Candidate Information: Your name, roll number, and exam session details.
  • Exam Schedule: Dates, timings, and subjects for which you’re registered.
  • Exam Center Information: The complete address, including building number (if applicable), of your designated exam venue.
  • Reporting Time: The specific time you need to arrive at the exam center before the exam begins.
  • Exam Day Instructions: Important guidelines on what to bring (stationery, valid ID card, etc.) and prohibited items (electronic devices, calculators, etc.).

Importance of the Admit Card:

  • Mandatory for Exams: You cannot enter the exam hall without a valid admit card. It’s your official permission to take the exam.
  • Verification Tool: Exam officials use the admit card to confirm your enrollment and ensure you’re registered for the specific exam.
  • Exam Details Reference: The admit card provides a quick reference for important information like exam dates, timings, and venue.

Obtaining the Admit Card:

  • Online Download: Bihar Board typically releases admit cards online a few weeks before the exam on the official BSEB website: https://biharboardonline.com/.
  • School Distribution: In some cases, schools might download and distribute admit cards to students on the board’s behalf.

Bihar Board Syllabus

Bihar Board 10th & 12th Class Syllabus

Class 10 (Matric) Syllabus:

The Bihar Board 10th class syllabus encompasses various subjects aimed at providing a comprehensive education to students. Subjects typically include Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English, Hindi, and additional elective subjects. Each subject covers specific topics and concepts aligned with the curriculum prescribed by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB). The table below outlines the broad subjects along with key topics covered in the syllabus:

SubjectTopics Covered
MathematicsAlgebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Statistics, Arithmetic
SciencePhysics, Chemistry, Biology
Social ScienceHistory, Geography, Civics, Economics
EnglishGrammar, Comprehension, Writing Skills
HindiGrammar, Comprehension, Literature
ElectivesDepending on student choice, subjects such as Sanskrit, Urdu

Class 12 (Intermediate) Syllabus: 

For the Bihar Board 12th class (Intermediate), the syllabus is designed to prepare students for higher education or vocational endeavors. The curriculum includes core subjects along with optional subjects catering to diverse interests and career paths. Core subjects often include Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, and additional elective subjects. The syllabus is structured to provide a deeper understanding of each subject area and prepare students for board examinations and beyond. The following table outlines the subjects and their corresponding topics:

SubjectTopics Covered
MathematicsCalculus, Algebra, Trigonometry, Probability, Statistics
PhysicsMechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Optics, Modern Physics
ChemistryPhysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
BiologyBotany, Zoology, Human Physiology, Genetics
EnglishAdvanced Grammar, Reading Comprehension, Writing Skills
Elective SubjectsDepending on stream (Science, Commerce, Arts) and student choice

Bihar Board Exam Pattern

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) conducts final exams for both Class 10 (Matric) and Class 12 (Intermediate) students. The exam pattern for both classes follows a similar structure with a combination of objective and subjective questions. Here’s a breakdown:

Exam Structure:

The question paper is divided into two sections:

  • Objective Section (50% weightage): This section consists of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) carrying one mark each. The number of MCQs varies depending on the subject.
    • Subjects with practical exams (Science stream) have 35 MCQs.
    • Subjects without practicals (Arts, Commerce, Languages) have 50 MCQs.
  • Subjective Section (50% weightage): This section includes short answer and long answer type questions testing your analytical and writing skills.

Marking Scheme:

  • Each subject carries a total of 100 marks.
  • You need to attempt both objective and subjective sections to pass a subject.
  • The minimum passing marks for each subject are 30% (30 out of 100).

Table format for Bihar Board Exam Pattern:

SectionWeightageQuestion TypeMarks per QuestionExample Subjects (Without Practical)Example Subjects (With Practical)
Objective50%Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)1Hindi, English, History, Geography, Economics, etc.Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, etc.
Subjective50%Short Answer & Long Answer QuestionsVaries (More for Long Answer)Hindi (Essay), English (Comprehension, Writing)Physics (Numericals, Derivations)

How to Download the Bihar Board Admit Card

The process differs slightly depending on whether you’re appearing for Class 10 (Secondary) or Class 12 (Intermediate) exams.

For Class 10 (Secondary) Admit Card:

  1. Visit the official website of Bihar School Examination Board for Secondary Education: http://secondary.biharboardonline.com/Admit.html
  2. Look for the notification section mentioning “Bihar Secondary Admit Card 2024” or similar.
  3. Click on the download link.
  4. Enter the required details like School Code, Registration Number, and Date of Birth.
  5. Click on ‘Search’.
  6. Your admit card will be displayed on the screen.
  7. Download and take a printout for your reference.

For Class 12 (Intermediate) Admit Card:

  1. Visit the official website of Bihar School Examination Board for Senior Secondary Education: http://seniorsecondary.biharboardonline.com/
  2. Look for the notification section mentioning “Bihar Board 12th Admit Card 2024” or similar.
  3. Click on the download link. The exact steps might involve logging in with credentials provided by your school.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to download your admit card.
  5. Download and take a printout for your reference.

Important Details on the Bihar Board Admit Card

The Bihar Board Admit Card, also known as the hall ticket, is a crucial document for students appearing for Class 10 (Matric) or Class 12 (Intermediate) exams. It contains important details that will be verified at the exam center. Here’s a breakdown of the key information you’ll find on your admit card:

Student Information:

  • Board Name: Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB)
  • Exam Name: Matriculation (for Class 10) or Intermediate (for Class 12)
  • Student Name: Your full name as registered with the board
  • Father’s Name: Your father’s name
  • Mother’s Name: Your mother’s name
  • Date of Birth (DOB): Your date of birth as per your registration details

Exam Details:

  • Roll Number: A unique identification number assigned to you for the exams
  • Roll Code: An additional code specific to your exam
  • Exam Venue: The name and address of the exam center where you’ll be taking the exams
  • Category: Your student category (e.g., General, SC, ST, etc.)
  • Subject Names: The list of subjects you’re registered for in the exam
  • Exam Dates & Timings: Specific dates and timings for each subject exam

Additional Information:

  • Important Instructions: The admit card will include general exam day guidelines and instructions you must follow at the exam center. These might cover things like prohibited items, dress code, exam conduct, etc.

Downloading and Verification:

  • You cannot download your admit card directly. Schools download them in bulk using their login credentials and then distribute them to students.
  • Make sure to carefully verify all the details mentioned on your admit card and bring it to the exam hall along with a valid photo ID.
  • In case of any discrepancies in the information, immediately inform your school administration for rectification.

Official Bihar Board Website

Information for Bihar Board Exams: Download Admit Card and Access Official Website

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) conducts final exams for both Class 10 (Matric) and Class 12 (Intermediate) students in the state. Having all the necessary information and following the proper procedures are crucial for a smooth exam experience.

Official Bihar Board Website:

For the latest updates, exam patterns, admit card downloads, and other official information, visit the Bihar School Examination Board website: https://biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in/.

Downloading your Admit Card:

The admit card, also known as the hall ticket, is mandatory for appearing in the exams. The download process differs slightly between Class 10 and Class 12:

  • Class 10 (Secondary) Admit Card:
  • Class 12 (Intermediate) Admit Card:
    • Visit: http://seniorsecondary.biharboardonline.com/
    • Locate the download link for “Bihar Board 12th Admit Card 2024”.
    • The exact steps might involve logging in with credentials provided by your school.
    • Follow on-screen instructions to download and print your admit card.

Important Details on the Admit Card:

  • Student Information (Name, DOB, Parents’ Names)
  • Exam Details (Roll Number, Roll Code, Exam Venue, Category, Subjects, Dates & Timings)
  • Important Exam Day Instructions


Ensuring Examination Integrity:

The Bihar Board Admit Card stands as a cornerstone in upholding the integrity of examinations conducted by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB). Through stringent issuance procedures and mandatory compliance, the Admit Card serves as a vital authentication tool. It verifies the identity of students and ensures that only eligible candidates participate in the examination process. This adherence to Admit Card regulations plays a pivotal role in maintaining fairness and transparency, thereby enhancing the credibility of the examination system.

Mitigating Potential Disruptions:

The stringent enforcement of Admit Card requirements helps mitigate potential disruptions during examination periods. By mandating the possession of the Admit Card, the Bihar Board minimizes the risk of impersonation, unauthorized entry, or other malpractices. Students are thereby encouraged to exercise diligence in securing their Admit Cards, reducing the likelihood of last-minute issues or complications that could adversely impact the examination process. This proactive approach towards Admit Card compliance ensures the smooth conduct of examinations and fosters an environment conducive to academic success.

Empowering Student Accountability:

In conclusion, the Bihar Board Admit Card not only serves as a logistical necessity but also fosters a sense of accountability among students. By emphasizing the importance of Admit Card possession and adherence to guidelines, the BSEB instills responsibility and discipline in students. This empowerment encourages students to take ownership of their academic journey and recognize the significance of procedural compliance. Ultimately, the Admit Card’s role extends beyond mere documentation; it symbolizes the partnership between the Bihar Board and students in upholding the standards of academic integrity and excellence.


What is the Bihar Board Admit Card?

The Bihar Board Admit Card is an official document issued by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) to students appearing for board examinations. It serves as an identification and authentication tool, providing essential details about the student and the examination.

How can I obtain my Bihar Board Admit Card?

The Forest Guard Admit Card typically includes details such as the candidate’s name, roll number, exam date, exam center address, reporting time, and instructions for the examination day. Candidates are advised to carefully review all information provided on the admit card for accuracy.

What information does the Bihar Board Admit Card contain?

The Admit Card contains crucial details such as the student’s name, roll number, examination center, date, and timing of the examination. It may also include instructions and guidelines to be followed during the examination.

Is the Bihar Board Admit Card mandatory for appearing in exams?

Yes, the Admit Card is mandatory for all students appearing in Bihar Board examinations. Without the Admit Card, students may not be allowed to enter the examination hall or sit for their exams.

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