Everyone knows that right now; the world is not in a good state and it is very difficult to survive out there. There is so much competition in the world that you need to be to at your best and top of the game for every time. One way to survive this extreme competition is to improve your productivity. When your boss sees that you are productive and gives the best result, you will be in their good books, and your chances of getting demoted or fired would be the least. So, we here, at careerguide.com, are going to list a few ways to increase productivity for working professional. The following is the list.
Organise and Schedule
The first thing that you have to do increase your productivity is to organise and schedule your whole day. You have to create a time table for all the work you have to do. List the things and set them up accordingly. Plan your whole day and if possible, your whole week. Complete the tasks. Remember to not to set an unrealistic goal. Because when you wouldn’t achieve it, you will get demotivated. Properly learn to schedule. You should do work in batches and reward yourself little when you complete a batch. Then, You can set up notes to help you remember your schedule. You can put visuals too, to remember correctly your tasks and the work you have to do that day. If you follow your schedule your productivity will increase drastically.
Eat the frog.
This is a popular idiom. Eat the frog means to do the most difficult work in the starting. Doing such makes you believe in yourself and you can get pumped up. It can drastically increase your productivity as you will now be extra motivated and all your hard work is done and all the exciting and easy work is left. Also, It is very effective and tried method which is recommended by many. It many not work during extreme deadlines but in your daily work, it will make your life much easier. You will feel relaxed and calm. Doing a hard work which will give you trouble in the end will make you feel so good and concentrated that your productivity will increase to a great extent.
Take breaks

One of the reasons why a working professional have a low productivity is because they work continuously without any rest or breaks. It is important to take small breaks between work as it keeps you refreshed and clears your mind. All the stress and pressure would be released and your productivity will increase. If you are tired and work in that condition, your creativity will suffer a lot and you will definitely tend to decrease your productivity. You can take 5-minute breaks between 2 hours of work. It would not cost much of your time and will benefit you to a great extent. It is necessary to be active during working. You can listen to songs during that break or eat something healthy or can take coffee to keep you going. Many professionals have tried this and they gave positive results.

Another reason why most working professional suffer with low productivity is because they lose hope and motivation. You have to keep yourself motivated to be productive. If you feel dull and unimpressed all the time, it can be risky and can lead to many unfortunate things. You should self-motivate yourself. In my opinion, you should think that right now in this situation, no one is going to help you out of this situation and only you can pull you out of this extreme situation. You are your only hope and you are not dependent on anyone. Also, You should think that you can do it and never lose hope. You will stay productive by this and will not lose your focus occasionally.
Minimize interruptions
The most important reason why a working professional decreases his/her productivity is because they get distracted easily and lose their focus on the work they are doing. Sometimes they take too many breaks which leads them to work extra. They get heat up in a conversation and spend a lot of their precious time discussing something baseless and not important. They get distracted by a notification and spend a lot of time checking that and socializing. You should mute your notifications to put an end to the interruptions. Also, You should just concentrate on the work without looking at your phone. You should focus on the work you are doing instead of overhearing some office gossip. The more you minimize your interruptions, the more your productivity will increase.
So, above was the list of ways to increase productivity for working professional. Hope that it was of some help. Best of luck!!!