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CHSL Previous Year Question Paper

Introduction of CHSL Previous Year Question Paper.

What is CHSL?

The Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam, conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), is one of the most sought-after government exams in India. It opens the door to various government jobs for candidates who have completed their 10+2 education.

Why are previous year question papers crucial? They are a treasure trove of information, offering insights into the exam pattern, types of questions asked, and the difficulty level. Let’s dive into why they are indispensable for your preparation.

Understanding the CHSL Exam

The CHSL exam consists of three tiers. Each tier tests different skills and knowledge areas, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of the candidates.

Different Tiers of the CHSL Exam

Tier I

Tier I is a computer-based test (CBT) consisting of objective-type multiple-choice questions. It covers four sections: General Intelligence, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness.

Tier II

Tier II is a descriptive paper that assesses the writing skills of the candidates. It involves writing essays, letters, or applications in English or Hindi.

Tier III

Tier III is a skill test or typing test, depending on the post applied for. It evaluates the practical skills of the candidates.

Benefits of Referring to Previous Year Question Papers

Familiarity with Exam Pattern

Going through previous year question papers helps you become familiar with the exam pattern. You get to know the structure, the marking scheme, and the distribution of questions across different sections.

Understanding the Types of Questions

Previous year papers give you an idea about the types of questions that are frequently asked. This understanding can help you prepare more effectively, focusing on the most relevant topics.

Time Management

Practicing with previous year papers allows you to time yourself, ensuring that you can complete the exam within the given duration. It helps you develop a strategy to manage your time efficiently during the actual exam.

Identifying Important Topics

Analyzing past papers can help you identify recurring topics and important areas that need more focus. This targeted preparation can significantly enhance your performance.

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Structure of Question Paper

The SSC MTS exam is divided into two papers: Paper I and Paper II. Each paper serves a specific purpose and tests different skills. Here is a detailed breakdown of the structure of the SSC MTS question papers:

Paper I: Objective Type (Computer-Based Test)

Paper I is an objective-type test consisting of multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The paper is divided into four sections:

General Intelligence & Reasoning:

    • Number of Questions: 25
    • Maximum Marks: 25
    • Topics: Analogies, similarities and differences, spatial visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetic reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series.

Numerical Aptitude:

    • Number of Questions: 25
    • Maximum Marks: 25
    • Topics: Number systems, computation of whole numbers, decimals and fractions, relationship between numbers, fundamental arithmetical operations, percentages, ratio and proportion, averages, interest, profit and loss, discount, use of tables and graphs, mensuration, time and distance, ratio and time, time and work.

General English:

      • Number of Questions: 25
      • Maximum Marks: 25
      • Topics: Basics of English grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms, correct usage, and writing ability.

General Awareness:

        • Number of Questions: 25
        • Maximum Marks: 25
        • Topics: Current events, India and its neighboring countries, Sports, History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity including Indian Constitution, and Scientific Research.
  • Total Duration: 90 minutes (120 minutes for candidates eligible for scribes)
  • Total Questions: 100
  • Total Marks: 100

Paper II: Descriptive Type (Pen-and-Paper Mode)

Paper II is a descriptive test that assesses the basic language skills of candidates. It involves writing an essay and a letter.

Essay Writing:

    • Topics: Topics are generally based on current events, social issues, or personal opinions.
    • Maximum Marks: 50

Letter Writing:

      • Topics: Writing a formal or informal letter on a given topic.
      • Maximum Marks: 50
  • Total Duration: 30 minutes (45 minutes for candidates eligible for scribes)
  • Total Marks: 50


Difficulty Level Analysis

Examining the difficulty level of previous year question papers is a crucial aspect of CHSL exam preparation. Understanding the complexity of the questions can help you set realistic preparation goals and avoid any surprises on exam day.

General Intelligence

The General Intelligence section often includes questions that test logical reasoning and analytical abilities. These questions can range from easy to moderately difficult. The difficulty level may vary depending on the type of questions, such as puzzles, series, and analogies. Regular practice can help you get comfortable with different question types and improve your problem-solving speed.

English Language

The English Language section typically includes questions on grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. The difficulty level in this section can be moderate to challenging, especially for candidates who are not very strong in English. Regular reading, practicing grammar exercises, and improving vocabulary can help in tackling this section more effectively.

Quantitative Aptitude

The Quantitative Aptitude section is generally considered to be the most challenging part of the CHSL exam. It includes mathematical problems ranging from basic arithmetic to advanced topics like algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. The difficulty level can vary significantly, with some questions being straightforward and others requiring complex calculations. Consistent practice and learning shortcuts for quick calculations can make this section more manageable.

General Awareness

The General Awareness section covers a broad range of topics, including current affairs, history, geography, polity, and science. The difficulty level can be moderate, but it largely depends on how updated and well-read the candidate is. Keeping abreast of current events and regularly reading standard textbooks can help in scoring well in this section.

Overall Difficulty Trends

By analyzing the difficulty trends of previous year papers, you can identify which sections or types of questions are generally more challenging. This helps in allocating more study time to those areas and devising strategies to tackle difficult questions. Over the years, the overall difficulty level of the CHSL exam has seen fluctuations, but thorough preparation can help you handle any surprises effectively.

Key Topics Covered

Analyzing previous year question papers for the CHSL exam helps in identifying key topics that are frequently covered. Understanding these topics can guide your preparation and ensure that you focus on areas that are most likely to appear in the exam. Here’s a detailed look at the key topics for each section of the CHSL exam:

General Intelligence

The General Intelligence section tests your logical reasoning and analytical skills. Key topics include:

  • Puzzles: Common types include seating arrangements, blood relations, and direction sense.
  • Series: Number series, alphabet series, and mixed series.
  • Analogies: Both verbal and non-verbal analogies.
  • Classification: Finding the odd one out among given options.
  • Coding-Decoding: Questions involving letter and number coding.
  • Matrix: Questions where you decode information presented in a matrix format.
  • Syllogisms: Logical reasoning questions based on statements and conclusions.
  • Logical Venn Diagrams: Questions involving categorization using Venn diagrams.

English Language

This section evaluates your proficiency in English. Key topics include:

  • Grammar: Covering parts of speech, tenses, subject-verb agreement, prepositions, and articles.
  • Vocabulary: Synonyms, antonyms, idioms, and phrases.
  • Comprehension: Reading passages followed by questions to test understanding.
  • Spotting Errors: Identifying grammatical errors in sentences.
  • Fill in the Blanks: Completing sentences with appropriate words.
  • Sentence Improvement: Correcting or improving the given sentences.
  • Cloze Test: A passage with missing words where you fill in the blanks.

Quantitative Aptitude

The Quantitative Aptitude section includes a wide range of mathematical problems. Key topics include:

  • Arithmetic: Topics like percentages, profit and loss, simple and compound interest, ratio and proportion, and time and work.
  • Algebra: Basic algebraic identities and equations.
  • Geometry: Questions on basic geometric figures, properties of triangles, circles, and quadrilaterals.
  • Mensuration: Problems related to the area, volume, and surface area of different shapes.
  • Trigonometry: Basic trigonometric ratios and identities.
  • Data Interpretation: Interpreting data from graphs, charts, and tables.
  • Number System: Questions on divisibility rules, LCM, HCF, and number series.
  • Statistics: Mean, median, mode, and standard deviation.

General Awareness

The General Awareness section covers a broad range of topics. Key areas include:

  • Current Affairs: National and international events, sports, awards, and honors.
  • History: Important events, dates, and figures in Indian and world history.
  • Geography: Physical geography, important rivers, mountains, and locations.
  • Polity: Indian Constitution, political system, Panchayati Raj, and public policy.
  • Economy: Basic economic concepts, Indian economy, budget, and economic policies.
  • Science: Basic concepts in physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental science.
  • Books and Authors: Important books and their authors.
  • Miscellaneous: Questions related to important days, abbreviations, and general knowledge.

Effective Preparation Strategies​

Preparing for the CHSL exam requires a well-structured and strategic approach. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you prepare effectively:

1. Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Before you begin your preparation, it’s crucial to understand the CHSL exam pattern and syllabus. Familiarize yourself with the structure of the exam, the types of questions asked, and the weightage of each section. This will help you create a focused study plan.

2. Create a Study Plan

Develop a study plan that covers all the subjects and topics mentioned in the syllabus. Allocate specific time slots for each subject and stick to your schedule. Ensure that you have a balanced approach, giving more time to subjects or topics you find challenging.

3. Gather Study Materials

Collect all necessary study materials, including textbooks, reference books, previous year question papers, and online resources. Make sure you have access to the best resources for each subject to aid your preparation.

4. Focus on Key Topics

Identify the key topics that are frequently covered in the CHSL exam. Prioritize these topics in your study plan and ensure you have a strong understanding of them. Regularly review these topics to reinforce your knowledge.

5. Practice with Previous Year Question Papers

Practicing previous year question papers is one of the most effective ways to prepare. It helps you understand the exam pattern, question types, and difficulty level. Try to solve these papers within the given time frame to improve your time management skills.

6. Take Regular Mock Tests

Taking regular mock tests can help you assess your preparation level and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Analyze your performance in these tests and work on improving your weak areas. Mock tests also help in building confidence and reducing exam anxiety.

7. Revise Regularly

Revision is crucial for retaining information. Make it a habit to revise regularly, especially the key topics and formulas. Use notes, flashcards, and mind maps to aid your revision process.

8. Improve Time Management

Time management is essential for cracking the CHSL exam. Practice solving questions within the stipulated time to improve your speed and accuracy. Develop a strategy to attempt questions in a sequence that maximizes your score.

9. Enhance Your English Language Skills

Since the CHSL exam includes an English Language section, focus on improving your grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Read newspapers, magazines, and books regularly. Practice writing essays and letters to improve your writing skills.

10. Stay Updated with Current Affairs

The General Awareness section covers current affairs, so it’s important to stay updated with the latest news and events. Read newspapers, watch news channels, and follow reliable online sources to keep yourself informed.

11. Join Online Forums and Study Groups

Joining online forums and study groups can provide additional support and resources. You can share knowledge, discuss difficult topics, and get your doubts clarified by peers and experts.

12. Take Care of Your Health

Maintaining good health is essential for effective preparation. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and engage in regular physical activity. Taking breaks during study sessions can also help you stay fresh and focused.

13. Stay Positive and Motivated

Staying positive and motivated throughout your preparation journey is crucial. Set realistic goals and celebrate small achievements. Keep reminding yourself of your ultimate objective and stay determined.

14. Utilize Technology Wisely

Leverage technology for your preparation. Use educational apps, online tutorials, and video lectures to understand complex topics. There are many online platforms that offer mock tests and practice questions tailored for the CHSL exam.

15. Seek Guidance from Experts

If you find certain topics difficult, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from experts or join coaching classes. Expert guidance can provide you with tips and tricks to solve problems efficiently.


Preparing for the CHSL examination efficiently requires a mix of strategic planning, consistent effort, and the proper sources. By understanding the exam pattern and syllabus, growing a balanced observe plan, and that specialize in key subjects, you can streamline your guidance. Regular exercise with preceding year question papers and mock checks will help you gauge your readiness and enhance it slow control abilities.

Revision is fundamental to maintaining what you’ve got discovered, so make it a normal part of your routine. Enhancing your English language skills, staying updated with contemporary affairs, and taking care of your physical and intellectual health are also critical additives of your instruction. Leveraging era and seeking steering from professionals can provide additional guide and insights.

Stay superb and motivated for the duration of your preparation journey. With willpower, smart work, and the proper strategy, you could achieve achievement in the CHSL exam. Remember, every small step brings you towards your aim. Good success!

FAQS for CHSL Previous Year Question Paper​

What is the best strategy to tackle difficult questions?

The best strategy to tackle difficult questions is to practice regularly, focus on your weak areas, and develop a systematic approach to solving problems. Break down complex questions into simpler parts, use elimination techniques for multiple-choice questions, and stay calm under pressure. Regular practice and mock tests will help you build confidence and improve your problem-solving skills.

How many years of previous papers should I refer to?

Referring to at least the last 5-10 years of previous papers is recommended for comprehensive preparation. This helps you understand the exam pattern, types of questions asked, and the difficulty level over the years.

How can I effectively use previous year question papers?

To effectively use previous year question papers, incorporate them into your study schedule, practice solving them within the given time frame, and analyze your performance to identify strengths and weaknesses. Regular practice and mock tests can also help improve your speed and accuracy

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