If you want to know about anger management, you are in the right place.
“Anybody can become angry — that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way — that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.”
Anger , the most common reaction of a person when he or she is exposed to some challenging situation or he or she may get irritated with some people. This is very much common in teenagers as they are under development i.e. they re under the growing process due to which there are lots of hormonal imbalance which causes various reactions of a person. It is our biggest enemy as it will always cause us harm in one form or the other. It is not necessary to always get aggressive to show your anger , you can give it thought and plan to convert your anger your passion into a productive one which will always help you grow in life.
Some people relate anger to aggressiveness and violence but it is not so, anger is the feeling which we experience when something does not happen according to our ways whereas the violence is the reaction to the feeling of anger. The feeling of anger cannot be controlled but surely the reaction can be controlled. The anger which we feel can also be used as a positive aspect, as we can try to divert it into something useful.
You may not feel but this anger can hurt your loved ones a lot and it has the capability to damage the bonds which cannot be fixed again. Continue reading to know more about anger management.
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
―Joe Klaas, Twelve Steps to Happiness
It can have many bad effects such as
- Spoil our relationships with others
- Self-harm
- We get detached from people
- Everyone starts to notice only the bad points of our personality.
- Create differences
- The ness relationship gets hindered
- Negative impact on the brain
- Issues related to blood pressure
- Anxiety attacks
Anger basically triggers the body’s flight and fight responses which may lead to an ease in our blood pressure and in few cases can lead to an art attack. You should know this about anger management.
Reasons due to which you may get angry
- Feeling embarrassed
- Feeling of frustration
- Not being treated properly
- When someone tries to dominate us then also many of us get angry
- When something does not go our way
- Constant irritation from something
Following are some ways to manage anger
- Start practising yoga and meditation, it can help to keep your brain and body in your control due to which our emotions will be under control.
- Try keeping a dairy kind of thing to vent out your anger.
- Understand the situation before reacting towards it.
- Do some good exercise which can help to transform your anger towards productive activity
- Take a break, once you are calm down the try to keep your point in order to avoid the conflict.
- Stop holding grudges towards the people.
- If you are not able to control yourself, try seeking help from someone who can guide you better.
Reasons for dealing with arguments
There are many good reasons for dealing with various argumentum which includes the following:
- It will help you to think sensible and make you feel very much positive
- One may feel more relaxed, fresh and energetic and also will keep your sleep-wake cycle incorrect order.
- You may develop new bonds, fell much better.
- There’s a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone.
Ways to express your anger in healthy ways
- Whenever you feel that situation is out of your control then try to take a break and let the situation settle down.
- Try to keep your mind under control and try to think about the situation and phrases.
- Work on your weak points or the trigger points which lead to your anger and try to figure out solutions for it.
- Workout in gym or exercise regularly. The anger which we feel can be used for such activities hence it will help in a productive manner.
- Recognize your true friends and loved ones and try to talk to them about your feelings and vent out your negative thoughts.
- Spend your free time with nature i.e. visit the places which have a direct influence of nature, this can help you calm down and will increase your love for silence.
- Watch YouTube videos that help to manage your anger.
- Engage in hobbies that make you feel good.
Hope these tips can help you in one way or the other. If you know someone who has anger issues then you must try to understand them and also help them out with things. You should know this about anger management.
“Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy.”― Roy T. Bennett
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