Moving away from home is a mixed bag of emotions. A part of you looks forward to this freedom, but another part may be scared about being all alone in a totally new place. But Living away should also be a bucket list item in your life. This kind of experience guides you more about the world and yourself than any self-help book can. Even a year of living alone can be life-changing. You learn to deal with things you probably never had to think about–like how to fix the leaking tap in your kitchen or buying groceries for the house. Every day is a new lesson waiting to be learned. You are all alone and traveling through a strange city on your own terms. Staying away from home is moving out of your comfort zone because nothing will be as comfy
as home. You can’t have your mom’s delicious hand-cooked food, your dad will not be there to drop you, and everything else, you will be all by yourself. Initially, you might even find it challenging, But Once you figure out your routine, you will manage everything, and it will be one hell of a learning experience.
Here are a few lessons that can only be learned through the experience of living away from home:

You become independent
Moving away from home is an adventure that comes with an encounter with life realities. It also comes with several fears like loneliness, financial stress, and failure. You have to cook your own food, do your laundry, make your schedule, and never having to report to anyone. But with passing time, you will come to terms with all of these and start enjoying all this. Honestly,
moving away from home and living life on your own terms is the most challenging and satisfying experience that you will ever get.
You realize the importance of your family.
There is nothing warmer than a mother’s hug and nothing more real than your father’s words. You will start understanding the small things they did, making big challenging things appear so small.
Staying with family means a whole lot of relief and support where you don’t have to worry about what you’re eating next or if you have clean clothes for the coming day. No one in the real world out will deal with your tantrums as much as your parents would. There’s no one worried about what time you’re returning home. Thus, staying away from home definitely teaches you the value of family.

You become responsible
You will unquestionably face hurdles away from home. There might be moments when you are filled with self-doubt, failures, etc. However, these challenges will lead to your most generous rewards. Such challenges will teach you to be responsible. They will bring out your capabilities and will highlight your courage to defeat them.
On sick days, You are your own mom
Sick days can be challenging when you’re away from home. You can be really grumpy, feel low, and miss being at home. Yet, you learn to figure out how to take your medication on time and not be the full mess you were at home.

You learn money management
This is the most important lesson to be learned from the whole thing- learn to spend carefully. While staying away from home, you will realize that money isn’t as quickly replenishable or available as you’d want to, so being able to budget your expenditure is vital. You will definitely recognize the importance of money and how much work and toil it takes to earn it.
You learn to cook
You just can’t survive on Maggi or snacks all day. You will learn to buy groceries on your way back home and prepare a basic meal for yourself, particularly when you come back home, and hunger is killing you. You will learn it for sure.
You Learn To Take Risks
Moving away from home is an incredibly courageous act and shows you can take risks. So, don’t merely stop there. Living on your own teaches you the value of taking risks and displays how helpful being courageous can be.

You Become Mature
We are all capable of way more than we think we can. Moving out shows you the value of money management, taking care of your health, and having a social life while working and/or studying.
Moving away teaches you the importance of prioritizing what you HAVE to do and what you WANT to do.