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6 Importance of Creativity Skill for a Working Professional

In this competitive world, everything is changing so drastically that one has to keep up with the world or else they will fall back and may never recover. Now, one important skill to learn to be in the game is creativity. Creativity is the now-a- days the most important skill one can acquire.  It may not be the easiest but it’s defiantly worth it because every firm or organization or recruiter is looking for a creative working professional to work with. New and original thoughts are appreciated by the hiring groups or recruiter. There are a lot of reasons why one should acquire a creative skill. So, we here, at careerguide.com, are going to list few reasons why it is very important for a working professional to have creative skills. The following is the list.

Easy Problem Solving

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The single most reason why a working professional should learn to be creative is because then his/her problem-solving skills increase on multiple levels and after some time every problem looks minute to them. As you get more and more creative, you will learn to look at a problem with new and different perspectives and you will have different approaches towards the problem. You may start to look at a problem in reverse order and may find its solution easily. You can reduce your time and efforts towards the problem and make them easy. Bill Gates once said: “I’ll hire a creative/lazy person to do a job as he/she will find an easy and efficient way to do the job and solve the problem.” 

Enthusiasm towards learning

Once a working professional acquire the skill of creativeness, he/she will have an enthusiasm towards learning new ways and finding different solutions for a problem. Now that working professional would be curious to learn more and more and broaden their knowledge to find an even better solution to a problem. A creative person never stops learning. Therefore, you will then have a new passion towards learning. 

Customer Satisfaction increases

Now, when we say that customer satisfaction increases when a working professional becomes creative, we say it with proof. Many recent studies have shown that a customer gets more satisfied when a creative professional provides services to them rather than a dull professional who provides them with the same boring solutions to their problems. A creative person will think of multiple scenarios in their minds to satisfy a customer and provide them with excellent responses and treatment. As a customer gets satisfied by a creative person, he/she gets in the good books of their bosses and hence they can be more financially stable than other working professionals who are less creative.

Making Connections

It is obvious that when a person gets evolved, they meet new people with their same mindset. Exactly same happens when a working professional becomes creative. When he/she becomes a creative person, they will meet new people who are also creative and when their thoughts match, they will make a connection. It is a very efficient way to expand your circle and make new connections. We know that it would not be easy but it is worth a shot. When two people’s mindset matches, they make really good friends. And obviously when you make new connections, new opportunities open for you and may lead you to unexplored paths. Therefore, we can say that becoming creative helps in making connections at a work space.

New Motivation and Increase in Productivity

Motivation: The four ways to a happy life.

When a person inculcates creativity, they can find motivation in anything. Many a time, they get motivated by slightest appreciation or even by a song. It is proven fact that a creative person is more motivated than any other professional. They have a – in their mind that they have to create new things or do something productive. They are eager to show their talent to the world and then they can go to any extend. By doing so, they increase their productivity to the next level. They finish their work before time and are always ready for their new project or work that they are always pumped and they spend all their concentration on their work which improves their work productivity.

Developing Entrepreneurism

A common fact is that an entrepreneur is a creative person. Therefore, when a working professional develops their new skill i.e. creativeness, they tend to develop entrepreneurism in which they start to think like an entrepreneur. They then start to develop a mindset just like a successful entrepreneur and they get extra self-motivation to do something in this field. Therefore, for a business working professional, creativeness is their prime skill.

So above was the list of reasons why creativity is an important skill for a working professional. It looks evidently good on your CV and it can really increase your chances for a job. Hope that it was of some help. Best of Luck!!!

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