Imperial college London
Imperial College London comes under top 10 universities of UNITED KINGDOM and it is ranked as top 1st university for providing best education in all over LONDON and students want to be a part of this university as it is one of the best university for domestic and international both students. Imperial College London is a public research university in London. Dating back to the Royal College of Chemistry’s foundation in 1845, Imperial grew out of Prince Albert’s vision of an area for culture including the royal albert hall, imperial institute, numerous museums and the royal college that would go on to from the college.

The universities strategy says:
They have progress in foundations- found out how they have encouraged multidisciplinary. Research and developed an educational experience embedded in a research – LED, entrepreneurial environment.
Progress with people- about the different ways they have built a supportive, inclusive and motived staff community.
Undergraduate programmes are gives as:
Aeronautics, bioengineering, biomedical science, chemical engineering, chemistry, civil and environment engineering, computing, design engineering, earth science and engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, life science, materials, mathematics, mechanical engineering, medicine, physics.
Postgraduate programmes mentioned as:
They have advanced courses in engineering, advance courses in biomedical, biochemistry, doctoral programmes and etc. these are the several programmes offered by the university to their students and the students who all are interested in being a part of this university they all can apply for their admissions and for gathering more details regarding admission students must go ad visit universities website.
University College London
University College London comes under top 10 universities of London United Kingdom for providing excellent higher education programmes to their students and it is ranked as top 2nd university with best programmes and courses in LONDON. It is officially known as UCL since 2005, is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom. It is a member institution of the federal University of London, and is the third largest university in the United Kingdom by total enrolment, and the largest by postgraduate enrolment. It is founded in year 1826 in the heart of London.

They have different courses and planned strategies based on several missions these are:
- Academic leadership grounded in intellectual excellence
- A global leader in the integration of research and education, underpinning an inspirational student experience
- Addressing global challenges through our disciplinary excellence and distinctive cross-disciplinary approach
- An accessible, publicly engaged organisation that fosters a lifelong community
- London’s Global University: in London, of London and for London
- Delivering global impact through a network of innovative international activities, collaborations and partnerships
The programmes offered by the university to their students are:
There are several courses related to different programmes and those programmes include undergraduate, graduate and research course work. The undergraduate programmes include:
- BA
- Degree in MSC
- MA
These both programmes have total 30 degrees including other programmes in this university. So the students who all are interested in being a part of this university they all can apply for their admissions and for collecting more details regarding admission and gathering more information regarding admission courses and programmes students must go and check universities website.
Kings College London
Kings College London comes under top 10 universities of United Kingdom and it is ranked as top 3rd university for offering best programmes and courses for pursuing higher studies in London United Kingdom. It is ranked on 31st position in overall worlds ranking. King’s College London is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom, and a founding college and member institution of the federal University of London.

Their strategic vision says:
To make world a better place. Since their foundation in 1829, their students and staff have dedicated themselves in the service of society.
Their Strategic Vision, launched in January 2017 takes them to their 200th anniversary in 2029 and builds upon their history of making a full contribution to society.
They will continue to focus on world-leading education, research and service and will have an increasingly proactive role to play in a more interconnected, complex world.
The programmes offered by the university to their students are:
Those include undergraduate, postgraduate, international students, study abroad, summer programmes, executive education, Short course and etc.
And all these programmes include several different courses according to subjects, field and student’s interest.
So the students who all are interested in being a part of this university or want to start their higher studies in this university they all can apply for their admissions either it is domestic student or international students for both of them they have different admission criteria for collecting more details regarding admissions student’s must go and visit universities website.
London School of Economics and Political science
London School of Economics & Political Science comes under top 10 universities of London and it is ranked as top 4th university for offering excellent programme in London United Kingdom. This university has opened its door in 1895, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is one of the foremost social science universities in the world. Their strategy lays out the guiding principles and commitments that will help them shape the world’s future, and achieve their ambition of being the leading social science institution with the greatest global impact.

The programmes offered by the university to their students are:
They programmes they include undergraduate programme, graduate programmes, research programmes and other programmes. These all programmes include several courses with degrees and certificates. So the students who all are interested in being a part of this university they all can apply for their admissions, for gathering the information regarding admissions for domestic and international students under any programme they are interested they can go and check it on universities website.
Queen Mary, University of London
Queen Mary, University of London comes under top 10 university of London and it is ranked as top 5th university for offering best education and programmes in London United Kingdom. It is ranked on 114th place in worlds ranking.

Their mission is to:
To create a truly inclusive environment, building on our cherished cultural diversity, where students and staff flourish, reach their full potential and are proud to be part of the University. Dedicated to the public good, we will generate new knowledge, challenge existing knowledge, and engage locally, nationally and internationally to create a better world.
The programmes offered by the university to their students are:
They have several programmes and those programmes include different courses under it. Students choose their programmes according to their interest and their subject’s streams. The each programme has different admission criteria and details for admissions. The students who all are interested in being a part of this university they all can apply for their admissions for collecting more details regarding admissions students must go and check universities website.