After in Hindi is “बाद में” (baad mein), which means later in time. It can be used in a variety of ways, such as:
- मैं बाद में मिलूंगा। (I will see you later.)
- काम के बाद मैं घर जाऊँगा। (I will go home after work.)
- बारिश के बाद धूप निकलेगी। (The sun will come out after the rain.)
- क्रिसमस के बाद नया साल होता है। (New Year comes after Christmas.)
After can also be used to describe a sequence of events. For example:
- पहले मैं नहाऊँगा, फिर नाश्ता करूँगा। (First I will bathe, then I will eat breakfast.)
- पहले वह स्कूल गया, फिर वह पार्क गया। (First he went to school, then he went to the park.)
After can also be used to describe a location. For example:
- स्टेशन के बाद अगला पड़ाव क्या है? (What is the next stop after the station?)
- घर के बाद, मैं बाजार जाऊँगा। (After home, I will go to the market.)

What is the meaning of after?
The word “after” in Hindi is “बाद में” (baad mein). It means later in time or following something. Here are some examples of how to use “बाद में” in Hindi sentences:
- मैं बाद में आपको फोन करता हूँ। (I will call you later.)
- हम बाद में इस बारे में बात करेंगे। (We will talk about this later.)
- बाद में मिलते हैं! (See you later!)
- मैं बाद में घर आऊँगा। (I will come home later.)
- काम के बाद मैं थक गया हूँ। (I am tired after work.)
- बारिश के बाद सड़कें गीली हैं। (The roads are wet after the rain.)
“बाद में” can also be used to describe a location, but this is less common. For example, you might say “स्टेशन के बाद अगला पड़ाव क्या है?” (What is the next stop after the station?)
What is the meaning of asks after?
The phrase “asks after” in Hindi is “का हालचाल पूछना” (ka haalchaal poochhna). It means to inquire about someone’s well-being or health. It is a polite way to ask someone how they are doing.
Here are some examples of how to use “का हालचाल पूछना” in Hindi sentences:
- आपके पिताजी का हालचाल कैसा है? (How is your father doing?)
- तुम अपनी माँ से मेरा हालचाल पूछना। (Tell my mother how I am doing.)
- उसने अपनी बहन से पूछा कि उसका हालचाल कैसा है। (He asked his sister how she was doing.)
- मैं आपसे आपके परिवार का हालचाल पूछना चाहता हूँ। (I would like to inquire about the well-being of your family.)
“का हालचाल पूछना” is a common phrase used in Hindi greetings and conversations. It is a way to show that you are interested in the other person’s well-being and that you care about them.
What is before and after meaning?
The words “before” and “after” in Hindi are “पहले” (pahle) and “बाद में” (baad mein), respectively. They are used to describe the order of events or the sequence in which things happen.
Before means earlier in time or preceding something. For example:
- पहले मैं नहाऊँगा, फिर नाश्ता करूँगा। (First I will bathe, then I will eat breakfast.)
- पहले वह स्कूल गया, फिर वह पार्क गया। (First he went to school, then he went to the park.)
- पहले मैं आपसे पूछना चाहता हूँ कि आप क्या करना चाहते हैं। (First I would like to ask you what you want to do.)
After means later in time or following something. For example:
- मैं काम के बाद घर जाऊँगा। (I will go home after work.)
- बारिश के बाद धूप निकलेगी। (The sun will come out after the rain.)
- क्रिसमस के बाद नया साल होता है। (New Year comes after Christmas.)
Before and after can also be used to describe a location. For example:
- स्टेशन के पहले अगला पड़ाव क्या है? (What is the next stop before the station?)
- घर के बाद, मैं बाजार जाऊँगा। (After home, I will go to the market.)
Here are some examples of how to use “पहले” and “बाद में” in Hindi sentences:
- पहले मैं आपसे कुछ पूछना चाहता हूँ। (First I would like to ask you something.)
- मैंने खाना खाने के बाद टीवी देखा। (I watched TV after eating dinner.)
- वह स्कूल जाने से पहले नाश्ता करता है। (He eats breakfast before going to school.)
- पहले मैं इस बारे में सोचूंगा, फिर मैं आपको बताऊँगा। (First I will think about it, then I will tell you.)
- बारिश के बाद सड़कें गीली थीं। (The roads were wet after the rain.)
How do you use ask after?
Here are some examples of how to use “का हालचाल पूछना” in Hindi sentences:
- आपके पिताजी का हालचाल कैसा है? (How is your father doing?)
- तुम अपनी माँ से मेरा हालचाल पूछना। (Tell my mother how I am doing.)
- उसने अपनी बहन से पूछा कि उसका हालचाल कैसा है। (He asked his sister how she was doing.)
- मैं आपसे आपके परिवार का हालचाल पूछना चाहता हूँ। (I would like to inquire about the well-being of your family.)
“का हालचाल पूछना” is a common phrase used in Hindi greetings and conversations. It is a way to show that you are interested in the other person’s well-being and that you care about them.
Here is an example of how you could use “ask after” in a Hindi sentence:
क्या आप कृपया मेरे पिताजी का हालचाल पूछेंगे? (Could you please ask after my father?)
This is a polite way to ask someone to inquire about your father’s health on your behalf.
What are the rules of after?
Here are the rules of using the word “after” in Hindi:
- Use “बाद में” (baad mein) to refer to a time later than the present. For example:
मैं काम के बाद घर जाऊँगा। (I will go home after work.) बारिश के बाद धूप निकलेगी। (The sun will come out after the rain.)
- Use “बाद में” (baad mein) to refer to a sequence of events. For example:
पहले मैं नहाऊँगा, फिर नाश्ता करूँगा। (First I will bathe, then I will eat breakfast.) वह स्कूल गया, फिर वह पार्क गया। (He went to school, then he went to the park.)
- Use “बाद में” (baad mein) to refer to a location that comes after another location. For example:
स्टेशन के बाद अगला पड़ाव क्या है? (What is the next stop after the station?) घर के बाद, मैं बाजार जाऊँगा। (After home, I will go to the market.)
Here are some examples of how to use “बाद में” (baad mein) in Hindi sentences:
- मैं बाद में आपको फोन करता हूँ। (I will call you later.)
- हम बाद में इस बारे में बात करेंगे। (We will talk about this later.)
- बाद में मिलते हैं! (See you later!)
- मैं बाद में घर आऊँगा। (I will come home later.)
- काम के बाद मैं थक गया हूँ। (I am tired after work.)
- बारिश के बाद सड़कें गीली हैं। (The roads are wet after the rain.)