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Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (BUMS) is a five-year undergraduate medical degree programme in the field of Unani medicine and surgery. It is one of the six AYUSH systems of medicine recognized by the Government of India.

Unani medicine is a traditional system of medicine that originated in Greece and was later developed by Arab and Persian physicians. It is based on the concept of four humors: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. Unani practitioners believe that diseases are caused by an imbalance of the humors in the body.


Bums Full Form

Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (BUMS) is an undergraduate degree program that focuses on the traditional system of medicine known as Unani Tibb. Unani Medicine has ancient roots and is deeply entrenched in the heritage of Islamic scholars and physicians.

Understanding Unani Medicine

Unani Medicine is a holistic healthcare system that emphasizes the balance of bodily fluids and the body’s natural healing abilities. It draws its principles from the teachings of Hippocrates, Galen, and Avicenna (Ibn Sina). The fundamental concept revolves around the equilibrium of four humors: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile.

BUMS Degree Program

The BUMS degree program is designed to train students in the principles and practices of Unani Medicine. Students learn about various Unani theories, diagnosis techniques, treatments, and the use of natural substances, including herbs and minerals, for healing purposes.

Curriculum and Skills

The curriculum typically covers subjects such as anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, toxicology, surgery, and Unani therapies. Students gain practical experience through clinical training and internships in Unani hospitals or clinics. They learn to diagnose ailments, recommend treatments, and understand the importance of diet and lifestyle in maintaining health.

Curriculum and Course Structure

1st YearArabic, Tarikh-e-Tib (History of Medicine), Munshi Urdu, Ilm-ul-Advia
 Munshi Farsi, Hifz o Sehhat (Hygiene), Tashreeh-ul-Badan (Anatomy)
 Tashreeh-ul-Mizaj (Physiology), Munshi English
2nd YearKulliyat (Fundamentals of Unani Medicine), Munshi English, Munshi Umoor-e-Tabiya
 Munshi Kulliyat (General Medicine), Tareekh-e-Tib (History of Medicine)
 Hifz-o-Hakeem (Pharmacology), Munshi Urdu
3rd YearIlmul Aaniyat (Emergency Medicine), Ilaj-bit-Tadabeer (Regimenal Therapy)
 Ilmul Qabalat wa Niswan (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), Ilmul Atfal
 Ilmul Amraz wa Ilaj (Pathology and General Medicine)
4th YearJarahiyat (Surgery), Amraze Ain wa Uzn wa Halaq (ENT and Ophthalmology)
 Amraz-e-Halaq (Diseases of Throat), Amraz-e-Jild (Dermatology)
 Amraz-e-Niswan wa Qabalat (Gynaecology and Obstetrics)
5th YearMoalajat (Medicine), Amraz-e-Bawan (Neurology and Psychiatry)
 Ilmul Samoom (Toxicology), Tibb-e-Qanooni (Legal Medicine)
 Ilaj-bit-Tadabeer (Regimenal Therapy), Moalajat (Medicine)
 Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), Tahaffuzi-wa-Samaji Tib (Preventive and Social Medicine)
6th Year6-month Rotatory Internship

Core Concepts and Theories in Unani Medicine

  1. Principles of Unani Medicine: Unani Medicine is based on certain fundamental principles. It believes that the human body is made up of four essential elements: earth, water, air, and fire. These elements combine to form various physiological components within the body.
  2. The Humoral Theory: Unani Medicine is strongly rooted in the concept of “humors” or vital fluids. It suggests that the equilibrium or balance of four humors—blood (dam), phlegm (balgham), yellow bile (ṣafrāʾ), and black bile (saudāʾ)—is crucial for good health. Any imbalance in these humors can lead to illness.
  3. Concept of Mizaj (Temperament): Unani Medicine places significant importance on understanding an individual’s Mizaj or temperament. Each person is believed to have a unique combination of the four humors, which influences their physical and psychological characteristics. The temperament can be hot, cold, wet, or dry, and this guides diagnosis and treatment.
  1. Diagnosis Methods: Unani practitioners use various diagnostic methods such as pulse examination (Nabz), urine examination (Baul), and tongue examination (Lisaan) to assess a patient’s health condition and determine the balance of humors in the body.
  2. Treatment Modalities: Unani Medicine employs a holistic approach to treatment. It focuses on restoring the balance of humor through various methods, including diet and nutrition (Ghiza), natural medications (Dawa), physical therapies (Ilaj-bil-Tadbir), and surgical interventions (Jarahat).
  3. Role of Diet and Lifestyle: Unani Medicine emphasizes the significance of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. It suggests that an individual’s temperament is influenced by the food they consume and their daily habits. A tailored diet and lifestyle recommendations are integral to maintaining harmony and good health.
  4. Doctrine of Signatures: Unani Medicine often follows the “Doctrine of Signatures,” which suggests that certain elements of nature resemble specific body parts and can be used to treat ailments related to those body parts. For instance, a walnut, resembling the brain, is believed to be beneficial for brain health.

Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches

Diagnosis Methods

  1. Pulse Examination (Nabz): In Unani Medicine, practitioners carefully feel the pulse to assess your health. Different pulses and their qualities help them understand the balance of essential fluids in your body.
  2. Urine Examination (Baul): Analyzing your urine provides valuable insights. The color, consistency, and other characteristics of urine can indicate the state of your body’s health.
  3. Tongue Examination (Lisaan): The Unani approach involves examining your tongue for signs like its color, coating, and moisture. These signs provide clues about your overall health and internal balance.

Treatment Modalities

  1. Diet and Nutrition (Ghiza): Unani Medicine believes that your diet impacts your health and temperament. Specific diets are recommended based on your unique bodily balance to restore harmony.
  2. Natural Medications (Dawa): Unani treatments often use natural remedies derived from plants, minerals, and sometimes animal products. These natural medicines aim to restore your body’s balance and promote healing.
  3. Physical Therapies (Ilaj-bil-Tadbir): This involves various therapies like cupping (Hijama), massages, and exercises tailored to your temperament. Physical therapies help in aligning your body’s humors and improving well-being.
  4. Surgical Interventions (Jarahat): In cases where other treatments aren’t effective or suitable, Unani Medicine incorporates surgical procedures to treat specific conditions and restore health.

Pharmacology and Medicinal Plants in Unani Medicine

Pharmacology in Unani Medicine

Unani Pharmacology involves the study of various aspects of drugs used in Unani Medicine. This includes understanding their properties, actions, therapeutic uses, formulations, and dosage.
Aspect Description
Unani Pharmacology The study of drug properties, actions, uses, and formulations in Unani Medicine.
Medicinal Plants Plants and herbs used in Unani Medicine for their therapeutic properties.
Common Medicinal Plants Common plants used in Unani Medicine and their main medicinal uses.
Formulations and Preparations Different formulations and preparations used in Unani Medicine.

Common Medicinal Plants in Unani Medicine

Unani Medicine extensively employs natural remedies derived from plants, also known as medicinal herbs or plants. Here are some commonly used medicinal plants in Unani Medicine and their main uses:

  1. Aloe Vera:
    • Main Uses: Beneficial for skin conditions, aids digestion, supports wound healing.
  2. Black Cumin (Nigella sativa):
    • Main Uses: Effective for respiratory ailments, digestive issues, and immune support.
  3. Ginger (Zingiber officinale):
    • Main Uses: Known for alleviating digestive problems, reducing inflammation, and easing nausea.
  4. Turmeric (Curcuma longa):
    • Main Uses: Anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant effects, aids digestion.
  5. Neem (Azadirachta indica):
    • Main Uses: Used to address skin disorders, possesses antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  6. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum):
    • Main Uses: Useful for digestive problems, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effects.
  7. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare):
    • Main Uses: Helps with digestive issues, and menstrual disorders, and supports lactation.

Practical Training and Clinical Exposure

In the field of Unani Medicine, practical training and clinical exposure are essential components of the education process. They provide students with real-world experience, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting and develop critical skills needed for their future careers as Unani practitioners.

  1. Hands-on Learning: Practical training involves hands-on learning experiences where students actively engage with Unani diagnostic and treatment techniques. This includes pulse examination, urine analysis, tongue diagnosis, and learning about the unique Unani temperament system.
  2. Observation in Clinical Settings: Students have the opportunity to observe experienced Unani practitioners in clinical settings, such as hospitals and clinics. They witness live patient consultations, diagnostic procedures, treatment planning, and medicinal prescribing.
  3. Internship and Rotations: During the final year of their Bachelor’s program, students undergo a mandatory internship period. This involves rotating through various departments and specialties within Unani medicine, such as general medicine, surgery, gynecology, and more.
  1. Case Studies and Patient Interaction: Students actively participate in case studies, analyzing patient conditions and discussing potential diagnoses and treatment plans. They interact with patients under supervision, honing their communication and interpersonal skills.
  2. Participation in Treatment Procedures: Under the guidance of experienced practitioners, students participate in treatment procedures, including administering Unani medicines, regimenal therapies, and minor surgical procedures, where applicable.
  3. Research and Thesis Work: Students are often encouraged to conduct research during their practical training. This may involve investigating the efficacy of traditional Unani treatments, analyzing herbal formulations, or exploring new applications for existing remedies.


The Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (BUMS) is an enriching and comprehensive undergraduate program that delves into the ancient practice of Unani Medicine. Rooted in traditional knowledge and backed by modern advancements, BUMS equips students with a deep understanding of Unani principles, diagnosis methods, medicinal plants, and treatment modalities.

In this program, students learn about the core concepts of Unani Medicine, emphasizing the balance of humors and the significance of an individual’s unique temperament. Understanding the principles of Unani pharmacology and the utilization of medicinal plants is a fundamental aspect, promoting natural remedies and holistic healing.


BUMS stands for Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery. It is an undergraduate degree program focused on Unani Medicine, a traditional system of medicine practiced in many parts of the world.

BUMS is typically a 5.5-year program, including a one-year compulsory internship. The academic study usually spans over 4.5 years, divided into several semesters.

he eligibility criteria may vary by country and institution, but generally, candidates should have completed 10+2 with a minimum aggregate of marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and/or Mathematics.

BUMS covers subjects like Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Surgery, Gynecology, Herbal Medicine, Unani Philosophy, and more, with a focus on Unani Medicine principles.

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Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (BUMS) is a five-year undergraduate medical degree programme in the field of Unani medicine and surgery. It is one of the six AYUSH systems of medicine recognized by the Government of India.

Unani medicine is a traditional system of medicine that originated in Greece and was later developed by Arab and Persian physicians. It is based on the concept of four humors: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. Unani practitioners believe that diseases are caused by an imbalance of the humors in the body.


Bums Full Form

Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (BUMS) is an undergraduate degree program that focuses on the traditional system of medicine known as Unani Tibb. Unani Medicine has ancient roots and is deeply entrenched in the heritage of Islamic scholars and physicians.

Understanding Unani Medicine

Unani Medicine is a holistic healthcare system that emphasizes the balance of bodily fluids and the body’s natural healing abilities. It draws its principles from the teachings of Hippocrates, Galen, and Avicenna (Ibn Sina). The fundamental concept revolves around the equilibrium of four humors: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile.

BUMS Degree Program

The BUMS degree program is designed to train students in the principles and practices of Unani Medicine. Students learn about various Unani theories, diagnosis techniques, treatments, and the use of natural substances, including herbs and minerals, for healing purposes.

Curriculum and Skills

The curriculum typically covers subjects such as anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, toxicology, surgery, and Unani therapies. Students gain practical experience through clinical training and internships in Unani hospitals or clinics. They learn to diagnose ailments, recommend treatments, and understand the importance of diet and lifestyle in maintaining health.

Curriculum and Course Structure

1st YearArabic, Tarikh-e-Tib (History of Medicine), Munshi Urdu, Ilm-ul-Advia
 Munshi Farsi, Hifz o Sehhat (Hygiene), Tashreeh-ul-Badan (Anatomy)
 Tashreeh-ul-Mizaj (Physiology), Munshi English
2nd YearKulliyat (Fundamentals of Unani Medicine), Munshi English, Munshi Umoor-e-Tabiya
 Munshi Kulliyat (General Medicine), Tareekh-e-Tib (History of Medicine)
 Hifz-o-Hakeem (Pharmacology), Munshi Urdu
3rd YearIlmul Aaniyat (Emergency Medicine), Ilaj-bit-Tadabeer (Regimenal Therapy)
 Ilmul Qabalat wa Niswan (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), Ilmul Atfal
 Ilmul Amraz wa Ilaj (Pathology and General Medicine)
4th YearJarahiyat (Surgery), Amraze Ain wa Uzn wa Halaq (ENT and Ophthalmology)
 Amraz-e-Halaq (Diseases of Throat), Amraz-e-Jild (Dermatology)
 Amraz-e-Niswan wa Qabalat (Gynaecology and Obstetrics)
5th YearMoalajat (Medicine), Amraz-e-Bawan (Neurology and Psychiatry)
 Ilmul Samoom (Toxicology), Tibb-e-Qanooni (Legal Medicine)
 Ilaj-bit-Tadabeer (Regimenal Therapy), Moalajat (Medicine)
 Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), Tahaffuzi-wa-Samaji Tib (Preventive and Social Medicine)
6th Year6-month Rotatory Internship

Core Concepts and Theories in Unani Medicine

  1. Principles of Unani Medicine: Unani Medicine is based on certain fundamental principles. It believes that the human body is made up of four essential elements: earth, water, air, and fire. These elements combine to form various physiological components within the body.
  2. The Humoral Theory: Unani Medicine is strongly rooted in the concept of “humors” or vital fluids. It suggests that the equilibrium or balance of four humors—blood (dam), phlegm (balgham), yellow bile (ṣafrāʾ), and black bile (saudāʾ)—is crucial for good health. Any imbalance in these humors can lead to illness.
  3. Concept of Mizaj (Temperament): Unani Medicine places significant importance on understanding an individual’s Mizaj or temperament. Each person is believed to have a unique combination of the four humors, which influences their physical and psychological characteristics. The temperament can be hot, cold, wet, or dry, and this guides diagnosis and treatment.
  1. Diagnosis Methods: Unani practitioners use various diagnostic methods such as pulse examination (Nabz), urine examination (Baul), and tongue examination (Lisaan) to assess a patient’s health condition and determine the balance of humors in the body.
  2. Treatment Modalities: Unani Medicine employs a holistic approach to treatment. It focuses on restoring the balance of humor through various methods, including diet and nutrition (Ghiza), natural medications (Dawa), physical therapies (Ilaj-bil-Tadbir), and surgical interventions (Jarahat).
  3. Role of Diet and Lifestyle: Unani Medicine emphasizes the significance of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. It suggests that an individual’s temperament is influenced by the food they consume and their daily habits. A tailored diet and lifestyle recommendations are integral to maintaining harmony and good health.
  4. Doctrine of Signatures: Unani Medicine often follows the “Doctrine of Signatures,” which suggests that certain elements of nature resemble specific body parts and can be used to treat ailments related to those body parts. For instance, a walnut, resembling the brain, is believed to be beneficial for brain health.

Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches

Diagnosis Methods

  1. Pulse Examination (Nabz): In Unani Medicine, practitioners carefully feel the pulse to assess your health. Different pulses and their qualities help them understand the balance of essential fluids in your body.
  2. Urine Examination (Baul): Analyzing your urine provides valuable insights. The color, consistency, and other characteristics of urine can indicate the state of your body’s health.
  3. Tongue Examination (Lisaan): The Unani approach involves examining your tongue for signs like its color, coating, and moisture. These signs provide clues about your overall health and internal balance.

Treatment Modalities

  1. Diet and Nutrition (Ghiza): Unani Medicine believes that your diet impacts your health and temperament. Specific diets are recommended based on your unique bodily balance to restore harmony.
  2. Natural Medications (Dawa): Unani treatments often use natural remedies derived from plants, minerals, and sometimes animal products. These natural medicines aim to restore your body’s balance and promote healing.
  3. Physical Therapies (Ilaj-bil-Tadbir): This involves various therapies like cupping (Hijama), massages, and exercises tailored to your temperament. Physical therapies help in aligning your body’s humors and improving well-being.
  4. Surgical Interventions (Jarahat): In cases where other treatments aren’t effective or suitable, Unani Medicine incorporates surgical procedures to treat specific conditions and restore health.

Pharmacology and Medicinal Plants in Unani Medicine

Pharmacology in Unani Medicine

Unani Pharmacology involves the study of various aspects of drugs used in Unani Medicine. This includes understanding their properties, actions, therapeutic uses, formulations, and dosage.
Aspect Description
Unani Pharmacology The study of drug properties, actions, uses, and formulations in Unani Medicine.
Medicinal Plants Plants and herbs used in Unani Medicine for their therapeutic properties.
Common Medicinal Plants Common plants used in Unani Medicine and their main medicinal uses.
Formulations and Preparations Different formulations and preparations used in Unani Medicine.

Common Medicinal Plants in Unani Medicine

Unani Medicine extensively employs natural remedies derived from plants, also known as medicinal herbs or plants. Here are some commonly used medicinal plants in Unani Medicine and their main uses:

  1. Aloe Vera:
    • Main Uses: Beneficial for skin conditions, aids digestion, supports wound healing.
  2. Black Cumin (Nigella sativa):
    • Main Uses: Effective for respiratory ailments, digestive issues, and immune support.
  3. Ginger (Zingiber officinale):
    • Main Uses: Known for alleviating digestive problems, reducing inflammation, and easing nausea.
  4. Turmeric (Curcuma longa):
    • Main Uses: Anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant effects, aids digestion.
  5. Neem (Azadirachta indica):
    • Main Uses: Used to address skin disorders, possesses antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  6. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum):
    • Main Uses: Useful for digestive problems, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effects.
  7. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare):
    • Main Uses: Helps with digestive issues, and menstrual disorders, and supports lactation.

Practical Training and Clinical Exposure

In the field of Unani Medicine, practical training and clinical exposure are essential components of the education process. They provide students with real-world experience, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting and develop critical skills needed for their future careers as Unani practitioners.

  1. Hands-on Learning: Practical training involves hands-on learning experiences where students actively engage with Unani diagnostic and treatment techniques. This includes pulse examination, urine analysis, tongue diagnosis, and learning about the unique Unani temperament system.
  2. Observation in Clinical Settings: Students have the opportunity to observe experienced Unani practitioners in clinical settings, such as hospitals and clinics. They witness live patient consultations, diagnostic procedures, treatment planning, and medicinal prescribing.
  3. Internship and Rotations: During the final year of their Bachelor’s program, students undergo a mandatory internship period. This involves rotating through various departments and specialties within Unani medicine, such as general medicine, surgery, gynecology, and more.
  1. Case Studies and Patient Interaction: Students actively participate in case studies, analyzing patient conditions and discussing potential diagnoses and treatment plans. They interact with patients under supervision, honing their communication and interpersonal skills.
  2. Participation in Treatment Procedures: Under the guidance of experienced practitioners, students participate in treatment procedures, including administering Unani medicines, regimenal therapies, and minor surgical procedures, where applicable.
  3. Research and Thesis Work: Students are often encouraged to conduct research during their practical training. This may involve investigating the efficacy of traditional Unani treatments, analyzing herbal formulations, or exploring new applications for existing remedies.


The Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (BUMS) is an enriching and comprehensive undergraduate program that delves into the ancient practice of Unani Medicine. Rooted in traditional knowledge and backed by modern advancements, BUMS equips students with a deep understanding of Unani principles, diagnosis methods, medicinal plants, and treatment modalities.

In this program, students learn about the core concepts of Unani Medicine, emphasizing the balance of humors and the significance of an individual’s unique temperament. Understanding the principles of Unani pharmacology and the utilization of medicinal plants is a fundamental aspect, promoting natural remedies and holistic healing.


BUMS stands for Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery. It is an undergraduate degree program focused on Unani Medicine, a traditional system of medicine practiced in many parts of the world.

BUMS is typically a 5.5-year program, including a one-year compulsory internship. The academic study usually spans over 4.5 years, divided into several semesters.

he eligibility criteria may vary by country and institution, but generally, candidates should have completed 10+2 with a minimum aggregate of marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and/or Mathematics.

BUMS covers subjects like Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Surgery, Gynecology, Herbal Medicine, Unani Philosophy, and more, with a focus on Unani Medicine principles.

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